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Something you thought was well down the road but turns out not to be

Surgeon just told me ill probably need a hip replacement before I'm 30. Always thought they were just for old people
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
I was told I would be in a wheel chair no later than 45 and that was pushing it
After surgery I would never do construction again
Well I built many homes and business's after that ,in fact I was back on the job 9 days after surgery and worked with my crew as part of a 3 man team hanging 180 boards of sheet rock a day ,,and I walked on stilts ,
I run the routers and screw guns ,holding a board with one hand ,cutting out box's or screwing it off with the other ,while on stilts
I am 59 and still walking ,no chair

I will admit had I stopped doing such physical labor I may not be in the pain I am in now ,,,,but nothing pays like construction when you are fast at what you do
and you own the company .

A hip replacement is not like it used to be anyway now days
I have a bone disease eating my spine so they don't want to replace anything on me
But like my old cars ,,I drive them until all the goody is gone
They are beyond repair when I am done with them (I also do mechanic work )

Don't sweat it ,I hope I live 8 more years to see my son graduate high school
Yea I had a son at 49 ,,guess I was not as done living as they assumed

Obviously that 45 thing was BS
I was still going strong at 45
Its the last few years that I have slowed down
A heat stroke almost killed me 2 summers ago ,,that got my attention
and 3 heart attacks ,,but hey ,,I'm not done yet
Sharethegra · 26-30, M
@rckt148 good attitude to have. Yeah I'm not worried at all I'll get as much out of my hip as I can just the stress of it thought it'd be something I could get when I'm older and its less likely to take me out of work or something
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Sharethegra yea when the pain is more than your willing to tolerate
and an OTC pain reliever won't cut it anymore ,,then see a doctor and do something about it .
I have a friend thats a surgical tech ,and she has given me several hip parts over the years (I was going to make a shifter out of one ,but it was so cool I just kept it to say I have one ,actually several kinds now )
But the advancements in the 20 yrs she had been at it are amazing
But here is my personal experience
If you worry about that kind of stuff ,it will become an excuse ,and a constant worry
I climb a scaffolding 50 ,60 feet in the air and get on stilts on a walk board
If I hit the ground from 15 feet ,or hundreds ,I am never walking again
So I watch what I do ,how I lift ,and I am super careful
I may have a bone disease ,,but I am also able to do something not a lot of healthy man can do
Walk on stilts that high in the air on a 2x12 walkboard
With a mud pan and a 14" blade ,,and turn out a finish so slick it won't need sanding
You darn right I am proud of that
I know to many babies that quit and turned to drugs and alcohol and let their wives support them
"The doctors said my body is worn out ,,I just can't take the pain anymore "
Stay on the couch looser ,,no wonder kids today are sorry
Look at the examples they have LOL

Don't dwell on it my friend ,when it needs dealt with ,then deal with it
Don't turn into one of those couch cry babies LOL
"Honey will you bring me a beer ,and what time is supper ,hand me the remote "
Ninja Warrior is coming on ,then Brett is coming over ,were playing call of Duty
Sharethegra · 26-30, M
@rckt148 yeah i listen to my body but i know the difference between a bit of soreness and pain that needs looking at

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