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what's the most annoying question you have been asked during an interview?

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OllyCat12 · 31-35, F
“Why do you want this job?” Like, I don’t. I just want to not starve to death.
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@OllyCat12 good
TAReturns · M
Why’d you leave your last job?
Something the boss said.
What did he say?
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@TAReturns 😂
toddr13 · 46-50, M
Where do you see yourself in X years? The number of years may change, but I had someone's jaw on the floor when I once replied that I would likely be his boss within two years. He didn't want to hire me, but the company's owner was a summer neighbor of ours for generations, yet I did not say that I knew them personally. She told the HR manager to hire me, and while he wasn't a direct report within two years, I had surpassed his level, since I was in the process of finishing a graduate program when I was hired.
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@toddr13 are you his boss now?
toddr13 · 46-50, M
@Newport50 No, the owners wanted to retire, so with deferred compensation and investment, I became a partner, so I ended up with an ownership stake, while he was an employee. He was fuming when he found out, but that was two companies ago for me. He's still there, working for the group with whom we merged.
Where do you see yourself in five years? <--- ¬_¬ My answer to that is. Well, that depends if I get the job or not because if not there more of a chance I'll be a bum living on the street
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@Foodbin 😂
@Foodbin I heard a comedian say he answered that question thusly: "In five years, I see myself celebrating the fifth anniversary of you asking me that question."
Newport50 · 26-30, M
Why should we hire you?
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@SW-User why?
The MOST annoying question I've ever been asked was in 1975, when I was asked by the company CEO whether my marriage was strong enough to withstand a job that required me to travel.
deadmoon · 31-35, F
Several years ago when I was applying for a job at McDonald's, the manager asked me "If you saw an elephant dressed in plaid pajamas stuck on a tree, what would you do?" It completely threw me off because I have never gotten a question like that before. I didn't even realize it was a thing. I understand now that the purpose of such questions is to see how quickly you can think on your feet, but for Christ sake, it's a McDonald's job. I was trying to flip some meat patties for minimum wage, not apply for a lawyer position at a major firm. That is the only time I have ever gotten such a ridiculous question, but anything of that mold I would find very annoying. Worse yet if it's a low-skill position. Like, really? lol.
why should we hire you..
err. i need a job and you have a position open?
Some obscure technical question. Something only written in technical manuals but not used in everyday job. It is like they ask just to aggravate the person.
Peaceful · F
I was asked who I politically aligned with.
Chaoshead · 22-25, M
@Peaceful I'm pretty sure that might be illegal. 🤔
Peaceful · F
@Chaoshead it is. Lol. He still asked. I told him all politicians are assholes. He laughed and we moved on.
Newport50 · 26-30, M
@Peaceful 😂
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
when I was fresh out of high school,, I had applied for several state and municipal jobs, and back in those days they were able to ask you if you were homosexual and hispanic.. I am bisexual and hispanic, and I really took offense at those questions... nowadays you can't ask questions like that... I am glad I never got any of those jobs,, and went independent in my ventures...
What can you offer our company to make us hire you?
Tubbs · F
Despacito or dame tu cosita

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