GreenGoddess · F
Dog food. I was also a kid and I ate it off the back porch with the dogs 😂 I was a really weird kid.
TightyWhiteyKing · 26-30, M
@GreenGoddess i tried one of those milk bone dog treats before and i spit it out immediately
GreenGoddess · F
@TightyWhiteyKing My dad tried to trick me into eating some vegan jerky, I told him it tasted like rancid dog food (I had tried it earlier) and that I'd rather eat a dog biscuit. He kept pressuring me to try it again anyway so I ate the dog biscuit to avoid the trauma of vegan jerky. It tasted like nothing but had a weird texture, no regrets.
TightyWhiteyKing · 26-30, M
@GreenGoddess when i did it it tasted like something dusty
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
Various dog treats. I work in a pet store. 💁
@AmbivalentFriability I try all the dog treats I buy for my dog lol

Hmmm. Once I ate a Styrofoam cookie.
Well I didn't eat the whole cookie. Just one bite was enough. 😖
Well I didn't eat the whole cookie. Just one bite was enough. 😖
TightyWhiteyKing · 26-30, M
@SW-User i ate a pistachio shell thinking it was a mac and cheese pasta shell
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
I’ve never really eaten anything weird, which is quite surprising considering the amount of times i’ve played stupid games with friends where the one to lose had to drink a random concoction with gross shit in it. I just happen to never lose😌