Taught ESL to many immigrants in Canada & the US & was able to help them learn English skills to help them assimilate better in their country.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@marsbar That's nice :) glad to see someone cares and doesn't just complain about them.
marsbar · F
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@marsbar You're welcome :)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Raised and helped raise ,several of the best kids on the planet
all of my other success in life pales to them .
They will carry on ,and continue to making my family name one to be proud of
And they will carry on a part of me as they do .
"When people say "You sure have a fine family there ,they all love you ,you must have raised them right "
Then I give credit where credit is due ,,I had a lot of divine help
They are Gods ,he just allowed me to be a steward over them .
I screwed it up the first time ,so He took them from me for 12 years until I grew up a little bit .
Then He gave them back ,with hearts ready to learn ,and so was mine
And then we raised and saved each other
Nothing that I have ever done gives me pride ,and keeps on giving like my family
My Kids and my Grandkids are my world
all of my other success in life pales to them .
They will carry on ,and continue to making my family name one to be proud of
And they will carry on a part of me as they do .
"When people say "You sure have a fine family there ,they all love you ,you must have raised them right "
Then I give credit where credit is due ,,I had a lot of divine help
They are Gods ,he just allowed me to be a steward over them .
I screwed it up the first time ,so He took them from me for 12 years until I grew up a little bit .
Then He gave them back ,with hearts ready to learn ,and so was mine
And then we raised and saved each other
Nothing that I have ever done gives me pride ,and keeps on giving like my family
My Kids and my Grandkids are my world
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@rckt148 Glad you have such a great family:) there's not much better in life.
Autumnlover · F
Graduated magna cum laude in undergraduate school, and earned my master's degree.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@Autumnlover Congratulations! I'm sure that was a difficult journey.
Autumnlover · F
Thanks. It was difficult but well worth the effort.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
As long as you think so, that's all that matters :)
Cajunfirefly · 41-45, F
Graduating from college at 36, with a job, kids, hub, house stuff running circles around me
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@Cajunfirefly Congratulations on graduating :) especially with all the other distractions of life on top of you.
I've made 100k over the past month in signups for an online course I'm offering.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@SW-User Nice :o keep up the good work.
MtnManJohn · 61-69, M
Raised two children who have become pretty amazing adults.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@MtnManJohn I can only imagine how proud you are of them:) good job on being a great dad.
MtnManJohn · 61-69, M
@EnglandsAnswer Thank you. I couldn't be any more proud of both of them.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
finishing college without taking any money from my parents
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@AngelofFail That's always good. Hopefully you don't have a ton of student loans though.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
@EnglandsAnswer i am doing ok
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
Glad to hear it:)
silentkillx2 · F
Nothing yet
View 2 more replies »
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
Lmfao. I'm sorry I'll stop mentioning it😂😂😂
silentkillx2 · F
@EnglandsAnswer well see about that 🙄😂
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
Went to school
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@SW-User Well I'm glad you managed to do what you thought you'd never be able to do :) and glad you did well, too!
@EnglandsAnswer why thank you 😬 🤗
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@SW-User You're welcome 🙂🤗
Should I be worried that I can’t answer this?! 😱😂
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@SW-User Ermmm, no lol. I couldn't think of anything to add myself lol.
Not murdering anyone at this point
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@ZeroPoint Same man, same.
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
Beat somebody in a video game i never could before
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@royalblue1193 Which game?
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
@EnglandsAnswer boxing i think
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
@royalblue1193 Fight night then? Used to love that game.