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No. He has a strong set of morals sheathed in logic.

@AynRand Incorrect. Throughout the entire series it's shown that his emotions are strong but repressed.
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
@SW-User you're right. Was about to type the same
AynRand · 100+, F
@SW-User repressed emotions? You make him sound neurotic.
labsrock · M
Seems logical
Belladonna · 41-45, F
Vulcans have emotions. They suppress them with years of training because their emotions are so strong. Spock is half human, but he trained as a Vulcan because of the way his father reacted to his being "so human" at birth.

Erm no. Vulcans merely have heightened control of thier emotions and hide them, thier logical and rational approach to everything limits the necessity for emotion to be displayed.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
No, not at all. Logic, emotional discipline, and loyalty are not indicators of sociopathic behaviour.
Mamapolo2016 · F
No, he qualifies as Vulcan. If I recall correctly he was only half-Vulcan so probably closer to bipolar.
AynRand · 100+, F
@Mamapolo2016 OK. So pure bred Vulcans are all sociopaths?
Mamapolo2016 · F
@AynRand I don't think I said that. Pure Vulcans might qualify as sociopaths on earth when they might ve perfectly normal on their home planet.
I'll answer the next question, too.
AHAH! So pure Vulcans go sociopathic passing into Earth's atmosphere?
No. Only by contrast to humans would they appear sociopathic. It's all relative. And fictional.
I'll answer the next question, too.
AHAH! So pure Vulcans go sociopathic passing into Earth's atmosphere?
No. Only by contrast to humans would they appear sociopathic. It's all relative. And fictional.