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TheWorldsSexiestMan31-35, M
I'm a good looking guy and I'd most likely fuck you

Looking at your past posts, I suspect it's because you don't like yourself.

I get that. Been there, done that.

Sex appeal is a state of mind. If you don't want you... you're not making a very convincing pitch, right?

No confidence and complains about not being pretty. Men like confidence and women who smile and laugh.
I鈥檝e told you a while back cause I鈥檓 pretty sure you are the same person that my friend who was not particularly pretty with a humongous fat butt. She rocked the club because she walked in with a smile, posture, confidence, and knew how to dance or bump and grind with the men. She always went home with one. Always. She always had a man.
You sell yourself short. Men don鈥檛 like that.
Pineapple100+, F
because they don鈥檛 exist on the internet
StokedFox36-40, F
You're ugly?
If you think youre so ugly maybe you should be with someone just as... just saying
IAmNothing31-35, F
@lulaluboo I wouldn't be happy with them. I want to date someone I'd be proud of.
If you have no confidence and think youre ugly, why would you expect a confident amd attractive guy to want to date you. Im just saying. 馃
Because you are negative and have no self confidence. Men, ugly and cute, like women with confidence. If you don鈥檛 like one will like you.
Because you are constantly saying that you are ugly
Always thinking of ugliness
Ugly ugliest ughhh!
I used to know this girl who would go around whining that she was fat. She was overweight, but so beautiful. Guys were so annoyed because of her constant whining. If she would have smiled and been cheerful I can bet men would have approached her. Whining is annoying. @SW-User
IAmNothing31-35, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 guess what I'm that too
5thApprentice31-35, M
Is that why you never took me up on my movie and a meal offer?

I'm beautiful inside...馃檨
IAmNothing31-35, F
@5thApprentice I dont know what you look like
@5thApprentice If she doesn鈥檛 go...I will. I like beautiful people on the inside.
Get off of dating sites. Focus on doing things that truly fulfill you and you will attract some good guys.
Tbh most guys are ugly. It鈥檚 rare to find one that鈥檚 actually attractive irl
Most humans are decent looking. Idk what your standards are
@Stoneplate2 they are, but life tends to throw most of them nasty cards and they give up on themselves. Those two guys she posted pics of that she isn鈥檛 interested in weren鈥檛 ugly. The top one had a nice smile. The second one had cheeky sense of humor that made him cute. There is always something good about someone.
theyre all gay.. you gotta go for the fat ugly ones..
MinMan8041-45, M
It's not the weight it's the attitude.
JavaJoe51-55, M
Because you鈥檙e on SW?
MURD3RM0NK3Y26-30, M

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