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How often do you eat bread?

Umm shyly admit it, I consume way too much bread. Every meal consist of bread, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.

I make my own bread, the smell linger throughout the house. My favourite way of eating bread, straight out of the oven, rip it open bare hands, cut a piece of butter and slam the bread shut and devour like a hungry monster.
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I eat tuna or salmon sandwiches once a week. I eat a bagel with cheese each morning. Sometimes a muffin for variety. Toast is good for breakfast. Plain though. Toast with soup too. Not daily though. I do appreciate a good bread though.
The best way is making your own, but that takes too much time.
@Random1Thoughts I know. I don't mind paying a bit more for good bread. I work in a bakery too. No discounts but I know why it is expensive.
I buy 2 loaves a month. I toast it or make grilled cheese sandwiched. Occasionally I will but cinnamon swirl.
I know that makes it tempting. I won't turn down the bread at a steak house.
I know, talk about bloody yummy.
@Random1Thoughts I know😂
Not often.
But only because it hates me.
I refuse to eat gluten free bread because it's not worthy of being acknowledged.
But occasionally I will and then regret the decision for days after. But for a moment - Food is good again.
I've met a few people that can't eat gluten free bread.
Pineapple · 100+, F
not that often. especially not at home. it’s usually at work once in a while i’ll eat toast or a sandwich
That's the sensible amount most health professionals recommend.
Bread is a staple crop for many people. We have been eating it for thousands of years so keep at it.
It will be around for another thousand of years.
On rare ocssions, maybe twice or once a month
@Random1Thoughts is just that bread was like too difficult to put down once I started eating it I would want more so I rather don't have any, or on rare occasions.
I totally know what you mean, once you start its an effort to stop consuming it.
@Random1Thoughts it can be addictive for certain people yes :/
EniaE · 26-30, F
I will have it as part of a burger or hotdog bun but I don’t really like bread so not often.
I guess it's not for everybody.
Travelbug · 56-60, F
Everyday and I shouldn't.
I've been told by many people that I need to cut back. But I'm hooked, blame my grandma for baking yummy bread when I was young.
Travelbug · 56-60, F
@Random1Thoughts I work shifts so often just grab a sandwich and I must admit I love garlic bread with dinner sometimes. I'd be the same as you with a hot bread maker, so won't buy one for that reason
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I can't eat bread anymore. It's an adjustment
At least you can still enjoy a few slices now and then.
Selah ·
IM not sure. I dont even buy bread.
I can't remember the last time I've brought one, I make them and add whatever I want into the ingredients.
I love bread too!
Myzery · 41-45, F
trying to cut back.. it makes me fat
Even if I'm having soup, I have to eat it with a slice of bread. I dip my bread in my soup. 😂
i love soup.. id eat soup 3 times a day ..
Me too but I'm a bit of a stickler for old fashion soups. Most of the soup I consume are traditional boring soups that trendy eaters dislike. I still make soup the same way my grandmother and great grandmother made.
redredred · M
Bread is the food that supported the western half of the human race for millennia. This foolish fear of gluten is laughable and wrong-headed in the extreme. I'm a baker myself and bread is a fine food. Enjoy it.
I love it and enjoy making it, no way I would give it up.
Mizzblue42 · 31-35, F
She likes a lot of other fattening food that contributed to her weight issue.
Effloresce · 26-30, F
@Random1Thoughts true, true. Bread isn’t the only thing that makes you gain weight
xSharp · 31-35, M
only in beast mode
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
Once two weeks. I ain't stupid enough
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
@Random1Thoughts too much insulin(sugar). Eating it for breakfast creates a spike in insulin that makes me unproductive by afternoon
I don't have diabetic problem and I'm active. I exercise daily and don't have a weight problem. I'm sure I'm burning it off.
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
@Random1Thoughts me neither.

You didn't get my point. Eating it daily changes your body

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