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Camas1974 · 46-50, M
Of course, you could also flip this, andsay that if it wasnt for gun culture, and the prevelance of guns in our society, that she wouldnt need so many armed guards;-)

Nimbus · M
"I'd rather have a gun I don’t need than need a gun I don’t have."
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
This right here. And I do have.
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
In spite of this photo of government agents with guns, the proposition that private citizens with guns do not make a country safe, seems obvious to most non-Americans, I think.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Nativein21stcentury · 26-30, M
For the people who say it's a sense of false security because you will hesitate on pulling the trigger, it's fairly simple, if I have to draw my gun I have a fear for my security or others around me, you threaten my life or any others there is no hesitation. I value my life along with anyones around me more than yours at that point. If you don't have a firearm to protect yourself, your a fool for thinking the police are going to be 15 seconds away every time.
Well said!! 👏
1- Presidential candidates from major political parties face a far higher risk of assassination than average people going about their business. There is a reason you don't have a security detail accompanying you the shop.

2- Those guys with guns are trained and vetted professionals who don't find it tyrannical that the government checked out their backgrounds.

3- It is also their job to prepare for potential threatening situations so they are far, far less likely to make those situations worse in the way untrained and frightened citizens with easy to operate lethal weapons tend to by misidentifying assailants or being themselves misidentified as additional assailants.
Levyyy · M
Well with borders wide open she will keep us even less safe. She works for the most evil and corrupt people on the planet. Not for us. This is why she shouldn't be president.
MedicFun · 46-50, M
Break in my house, or hotel in the middle of the night and find out lol
Exactly! They'll get their asses lit up.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Guns do not keep us safe though, it's merely a coincidence that you get to pull the gun in the first place, they provide a false sense of security. If you pull the gun in time you will be unsure of pulling the trigger or not. if you dont pull it in time you're dead or it maybe even have saved your life. If you pull the gun, the other person will pull their gun. If you pull a knife to a fight to fend you off, that person will either run, or go into a battle of life or death, meaning that the weapon you pulled was the reason for a deadly outcome. Nothing is just black and white.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Protecting yourself from being murdered by murdering holds a selfish reason. In that scenario you claim your own life to be worth more than someone with the intent to kill you.

Protecting someone else from being murdered without a selfish reason means that you believe you have the right to decide who lives and dies, meaning you think you're above their lives, meaning you're playing god for a moment because you're holding a gun. No one has given you the right to kill, not even for someone else's sake.

Murdering is the same as killing a person in defense, because what do you do in both cases? You kill a person by judging their right to live based on your own beliefs. Killing is murder, no matter in what form it's done.

Also I'll have you know, that the reason "I would do it because I know I couldn't live with the knowledge of not protecting them" has quite the hidden selfish motive, as you kill them in order for yourself to feel better about yourself. Just pointing it out.
Nativein21stcentury · 26-30, M
You are a different kind of crazy, that person chose whether they would have the chance to live or die themselves, not by me. I'm not going out shooting random people.Unless you believe no one should pay for what they know is wrong, then your statement contradicts Itself. Which can bring us into a religious point of view, personally I'm a Christian, I do not believe I would ever say I would be playing God. Simply making common sense actions. If saving an innocent mother and children makes me selfish, then fuck with everything. I AM THE MOST SELFISH PERSON ON EARTH. Simple as that. It's like saying I just seen a murder, should I tell anyone? Fuck no according to your thoughts, because then I "play God" if I do because that could lead to the incarnation and execution, which means I decided whether that person lived or died. Which ultimately I would tell the authorities, because I believe in justice. So with all this being said I'm done with this conversation, we see different views, we're human that's what happens. But I will leave you on a thought about what the entire question was about. Looks at Chicago's gun laws, then look at its gun violence.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
If you are a christian, then how come you support murdering people for your own sake? Couldn't Jesus defend himself from everyone who wanted him dead? Of course he could, yet he didn't. When his friend defended him by cutting the messengers ear off with his sword, Jesus told his friend to put the sword down, as anyone who uses a sword, will be killed by the sword. I am a true christian.
Nativein21stcentury · 26-30, M
But yet Jesus also told his disciples to arm themselves, he knew what he was there for. The disciples protecting him wouldn't help. The disciples were told to carry swords to protect themselves.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I don't believe that Jesus meant for them to use the sword on anyone, he wanted them to carry swords for a different reason. That's also why only two swords were enough for them, if it indeed was for the purpose of defending, then wouldn't they have made sure to get one sword for each disciple so that everyone could defend themselves? 38 Then they said: “Lord, look! here are two swords.” He said to them: “It is enough.”

If Jesus would have said "don't use the sword this time" or "if you use the sword you will die by the sword", then sure I'd believe that it was simply for that one time. But Jesus worded it as " Then Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place,+ for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.", he said ALL who does it. If you're a true christian, then you should listen to his words. What does what jesus said tell you? Wouldn't it be the same if you'd use a gun instead of a sword? Then what good can come from using the "sword"?

Jesus clearly drew the line. He told us to never use violence, so that means that the two swords must have been for a different purpose than violence or defending.
Nativein21stcentury · 26-30, M
Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

He doesn't say, go out and buy two swords. He says "he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one". We don't know whether the others had swords already, or if they could only find two, but what we do know, is Jesus said whoever don't have a sword, get one.

Now if we want to know what the bible says about self-defense, which is what we have been talking about right? We can go to Exodus 22:2
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Keep in mind that he never told us what they would use the swords for, they were walking through the wilderness and the swords could very reasonably been means of protection against wild animals. The fact that he didn't let his friend protect him with violence speaks for itself, that they did not intend to use them against other human beings.

The mosaic law was fulfilled by Jesus and seized to be during his time on earth, he established the new laws that include the laws that we should love our enemies and pray for them, and that we should not kill or use violence. A couple of examples to show that this was indeed the case, is that Jesus worked and made wonders during the sabbath and that he told us that we should no longer make sacrifices to God. Part of the reasons why he was killed by the jews.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
She's delusional.
Goralski · 51-55, M
She is of course correct. ..Under Hillary every household will get a secret service agent
Tell her bodyguards to unarm. that'll set an example.
Guns only keep a few safe, and it changes always.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I think she's living in the wrong country
goagainsttheflow · 26-30, F
So she says, lol!
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