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There's so many great western movies which is your favourite I try my best to name a few

Poll - Total Votes: 15
The good the bad and the ugly
Young guns
magnificent seven original
Fist full of dollars
For a few dollars more
Young guns 2
3:10 to yuma
Hateful eight
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ArianaRose25 · 31-35
I luv 3:10 to Yuma, it's a fav haha
ArianaRose25 · 31-35
@Loki80 ever watched gunsmoke? That was pretty good as well
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
@ArianaRose25 I drank a cup of espresso with Clint Eastwood in a cafe on the Via Venito in Rome, Italy in the summer of 1959. He was on hiatus from his TV show (Wagon Train, I think). I was with my father and a famous humorist (S.J. Perelman). Perelman introduced us. We talked about the problems that were occurring on the Italian film sets in internationally funded productions with funny cultural clashes and many on set problems; Eastwood made it all sound humorous. He seemed intelligent, though not intellectual, obviously loved his work and was pleasantly charming. He talked about his upcoming work with Sergio Leone.
ArianaRose25 · 31-35
@greenmountaingal I hate you, I'm so jelly lol
A few dollars more isn't quite as cinematic as the good bad and ugly, but the music is equally stirring and the story is better. Plus Lee Van Cleef is a good guy in it.
kate21 · 26-30, F
Tombstone is my fav.

But there are so many good ones
Loki80 · 41-45, M
@kate21 I agree I be here all day naming them 😂
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Great actors. Great music. A western. What more can one want? What about Django?
Loki80 · 41-45, M
@PoetryNEmotion I agree great actor one of a kind
@Loki80 And there is an Australian one with Tom Selleck who fights against a bad guy. It contains aborigines too. I don't know the name. I think it started with Q.
Loki80 · 41-45, M
@PoetryNEmotion I think I've seen that many years ago good actor him
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
How could you have missed two of the greatest westerns ever?!

High Noon

The Big Country
Loki80 · 41-45, M
@greenmountaingal great actors I haven't seen th st movie yet
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
@Loki80 Give it a try. It's definitely one of the better ones.
Loki80 · 41-45, M
@greenmountaingal I will thank you ☺✌
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calibeachnudist · 51-55, M
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly because Ennio Morrison’s “Ecstacy of Gold” is so it
NOTHING beats the ORIGINAL Magnificent 7 with Yul Brynner 😏
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Slappaho · 41-45, M
Once Upon A Time in the West
Outlaw Josie Wales
Lonesome Dove
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
One that I think qualifies as a western, although it takes place in the rural south during the Depression era, is well worth watching:

A Fool's Parade

starring James Stewart
Marcette88 · 36-40, F
Rio Lobo and the Shootist too
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
the good, the bad and the ugly, fist full of dollars

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