Some nights yes

I do, a lot. I'm sorry you go through it. Hugs.
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@AliceMortem I know that all too well. Hang in there girl. Hopefully, you can find some good coping methods. Deep breathing exercises help me a lot.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@SW-User yes I find that meditation helps. I just find it really hard to turn my brain off x

@AliceMortem meditation is wonderful!
popmol · 26-30, M
anxiety makes it harder but i always fall asleep and then i stay asleep
BeachBum · F
Warm milk, a little honey and a teaspoon of brandy.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@BeachBum Thank you. I'll have to give that a try
Spring · 26-30
i have sleeping tablets because of that
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@Spring maybe I need to get some

Awww yes it will be ok hug 🤗 to u x
jaymic64 · M
Yes a lot of the time
sometimeslonelytoo · 51-55, M

Sometimes. It sucks.