Don Lemon of CNN says that Jesus wasn't White. Do you agree?
Jesus was a Jew from the Levant. He would have looked like other Levantines, Greeks, Italians and Spaniards. Under US Census data, all Mediterraneans are White. What is Don Lemon talking about?
Caucasian and white aren't quite the same thing. A person can be very dark of skin, but if their eyes do not have an epicanthic fold, and if their hair is of the straight variety, they are classified as Caucasian. People from India are considered to be Caucasion, as are most Hispanics, and so on.
This picture of how Jesus may have looked was featured in Popular Mechanics magazine:
Please note that the medical artist created this portrait as a composite of three skulls from the same area where Jesus was born, and that many of the men of that area were similar in, while this is definitely NOT Jesus he would have appeared similar. I am sure he was much more handsome...LOL!!!
There was a story at the time that Jesus father was a Roman soldier named Pantera. So he was half-Italian, half-Mediterranean Jew, and could have been light-skinned.
@hunkalove There are a lot of Levantines with pale white skin. There are many Persians with pale white skin. It isn't a rarity. There are many Moroccan Jews that are ginger.
@SW-User Vikings were from Norway. Swedes didn't go viking. They traveled the courts of the Baltic telling their audiences that they could dance, that they could jive...
Jesus’ skin color is a matter of zero importance to me. Albino or as black as night, it does not alter the message. I try to avoid getting tangled up in ‘how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?’ debates. There is real work to be done. When I see God, I’ll know, and that’s enough.