Gee I don't know. You didn't hesitate to delete my answer to your welfare question simply because I did not agree with you.
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SW-User You sure about that? if you would like to comment again. that wuld be perfectly okay maybe i deleted the wrong post if u were respectful and nice. :) if it is disrespectful i will copy and past just to make sure u understand. that ridiculing someone isnt a nice thing to do

@PiceousPanda Do whatever you feel you need to do.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SW-User thank you from now on. i will copy and past delete the post and explaun to the person that if u would like ur post not to be delted. dont insult me dont use derogatory langaueg if u disagree thats compleltye fine! if im wrong thats fine! im asking for respect. people on here act like animals when it comes that
Fernie · F
when a whole bunch of people think the same thing about you...it's the truth.Get some self awareness kiddo...you don't have much
Fernie · F
@PiceousPanda the things you have said today on this site have been obnoxious and ignorant...two very trolly behaviors. Your words reveal who you are...too late kiddo...you have a label now. I think you are enjoying the negative attention...I really do..and that makes you a disturbed individual ...trolls are that way
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Fernie I enjoy conversing with people who don't mind questioning different beliefs I have always done this i just came on this site recently and most people largley enjoy insulting rather than throwing back and forth thoughts and opinions. its very odd and different. This site has a lot of people with a very short temper. Maybe its because this site attracts weirdos with emotional probelsm. I have no clue. If you dont agree with me then move on. if u dont agree with but you would like to converse then comment! why waste ur time hating
Fernie · F
@PiceousPanda what a phoney
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Because you post the most absurd attention getting garbage
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@PiceousPanda spoken like a true child. You’re very mouthy.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Keepitsimple ah another excuse. what else am i? in diapers? suddenly you know everything. suddenly ur correct on everything and every opinion experience evidence i have is invalid because im younger than you? get over yourself lady.
She liked her own comments? Eeew.
She liked her own comments? Eeew.
Mossflower · F
where there's smoke there's fire
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Meh it’s an initiation rite on this site

@GreenGoddess troll 🙄
GreenGoddess · F
@SW-User Ah! And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!

@GreenGoddess you asked for it. 😆
Please don't take this wrong. I'm not trying to be a bitch, but the last post I saw of yours had no paragraphs and this one has some really messed up punctuation.
In both instances, it seems like you're saying too much too fast for some of us mere mortals to decipher.
I wouldn't say troll like.. as much as.. well, flighty sounding. More like a fairy.
In both instances, it seems like you're saying too much too fast for some of us mere mortals to decipher.
I wouldn't say troll like.. as much as.. well, flighty sounding. More like a fairy.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@MistyCee i think fast and it jumbles up its a habit

🤷🏻 idk
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Well if you're a troll you're not very good as I've never noticed you or heard of you..😀
Mossflower · F
You're the M.S. fake aren't you
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Mossflower M.S. fake? whats that
You are a troll.
You stomp on other people’s opinions.
You stomp on other people’s opinions.

SW 2018, All users are trolls. So please don't take it personally
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SW-User smh this site is ridiculous lol. so many people with emotional problems.
SpaceJesus · 41-45