SW-User Best Comment
You made a mistake
You are not defined by your mistakes
Nobody hates you
You are not defined by your mistakes
Nobody hates you
MiserableCat · 31-35, F
Nobody hates me? @SW-User
@MiserableCat no, maybe they don't like what you did, but there's no hate.
Let things go and move on.
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@MiserableCat yep. Or maybe change something about how you handle things.
MiserableCat · 31-35, F
@SW-User Like trust issues
@MiserableCatthat's one thing. And work on yourself first.
Eventually the dinosaurs got over it
@MiserableCat I do not know the specifics of your situation but I'm sure nobody hates you
MiserableCat · 31-35, F
Still he does not want to be my friend and it’s killing me@SW-User
@MiserableCat *hugs*
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Hello 😃
Change your name to happy cat
boklenholley7 · F
No idea what you're talking about. So I still like you.
I don’t know you. So you cool.
DJane · 41-45, F
I have no idea who you are or what you're talking about, so I have no beef with you.
@DJane same..seems like a fun thread though
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I mean you have a new profile picture and a new name so no one probably knows what you're talking bout
MiserableCat · 31-35, F
Why not?@MartinTheFirst
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MiserableCat we're not getting along lol
MiserableCat · 31-35, F
I’m too needy and moody and bitchy. Give me another chance.@MartinTheFirst
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
We are all allowed to make mistakes, anyone who doesnt want you in their life because you made one wasn't worth keeping around anyway