GlassDog · 46-50, M
It's certainly possible. An ex-girlfriend of mine is fluent in German and only picked it up from watching German MTV. She probably had more music-based vocabulary, though, and wouldn't know the word for say, commercialism.
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
If anyone can speak German, they can conquer the world.Hehe My best friend is from Guinea and she said, to learn German one must have a serious tone with an angry bird face.
English was super hard for me but it was compulsory in school.
If anyone can speak German, they can conquer the world.Hehe My best friend is from Guinea and she said, to learn German one must have a serious tone with an angry bird face.
English was super hard for me but it was compulsory in school.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid I don't much German, but I know what you mean. It feels like words have to be spat out rather than just softly said. I guess English is a bit of a weird language because it's so inconsistent. I don't notice it, but I'd hate to have to learn it if I wasn't born in England.
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
I had after school tutoring for English. It was no fun learning it, I’m glad that I have now. English is one of the most important language in the world. @GlassDog

Tbh people speak a mix of Hindi and English
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
I’ve notice that on the hundreds of Bollywood movies I’ve seen. @SW-User
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
Same with Malaysia , English is in the mix.@SW-User
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Yes you can...with help of Google from time to time.
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
Google translator will be my best friend. @Unlearn
boklenholley7 · F
Dude Chinese is the easiest.. they don't even conjugate their verbs. Korean is super difficult.. only because they have different levels of aspiration for letters.
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
I don’t find Korean quite as hard. I can already say a few phrases in Korean. Chinese is more difficult for my heavy German tongue.
I don’t find Korean quite as hard. I can already say a few phrases in Korean. Chinese is more difficult for my heavy German tongue.

Probably would need photographic memory and 180 iq
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
Don’t be a party pooper, I will make it my mission to atleast have basic conversation.
Don’t be a party pooper, I will make it my mission to atleast have basic conversation.

@Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid Goodluck buay🐯
DesiDudeJ04 · 31-35, M
old Bollywood movies.
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
I must check out the old movies. @DesiDudeJ04

Not without my permission you wont
Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid · 31-35, F
I will teach you all the swear words. 😇@SW-User

@Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid But i dont use profanity :)