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Do you think the media are promoting obesity as healthy?

I think it’s okay to feel good about our bodies but so long as people understand the detrimental effect of being overweight. People have a deluded concept about being curvy, if you’re overweight, it’s not curvy, it’s fat.

One of my friend is overweight and she is in this deluded bubble. We are all trying to help her to lose some weight.
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reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I have often had this discussion with people. I ask people "if someone you really care about is dangerously overweight, what is the best way to love them 1:tell them they have a weight problem and and that you are there for them if they need help and support OR 2: tell them they look great the way they are and they should love themselves the way they are and they don't need to change" most people I've asked say 2, they give them the lie that makes them feel good and its also self serving because they appear like the " good guys". my love for someone will make me tell them what they need to hear whether they like hearing it or not and end up hating me for it, that to me is true love.
We need to be honest with our loved ones. @reflectingmonkey
Yep. I think the media panders to overweight people. They've twisted body acceptance into bad health complacency because it pays better.

Loving yourself and feeling attractive regardless of your weight or health is fantastic! We deserve self-acceptance and respect regardless of our weight or health. But accepting yourself as you are doesn't mean not being open to change or improvement. If you love yourself you'll do what's best for your health.
Whatever the case, we have no right to treat people poorly based on their weight or health.
I say it's their life. Who cares what it's called or how we perceive it? They really don't need anyone, be it friends, family, or media imposing their views on them. Live and let live, I say.
@Tminus6453 What about our curvy taxpayers? 🤔
But media is imposing their views. Giving them false misconception that being obese is beautiful.
@Grassisnotgreenerontheothersid Just look at it as an opposite swing of the pendulum. Before unrealistic standards of beauty were imposed on women at a very young age. Media is an exaggeration of reality. Not a reflection of it. Its up to us to think critically and use our free will to combat that. That aside, its simple. If your friend is comfortable in their own skin then awesome. No need to think of it any deeper than that.
centauri · 46-50, M
The media are driven by viewership and will sell whatever message keeps them watching. If they're selling us unhealthy messages, its a sign that we're highly receptive to them. Everyone has to ultimately take care of themselves first, and you can't protect people from themselves no matter how hard you try. Some people will make good choices and some won't. Also, not everyone who is overweight is unhealthy, and not all weight conditions are directly caused by poor diet and overeating. Generalities be what they will, size is another prejudice by external appearance to be mindful of when getting to know a particular person. Easier said than done, I know.
Yes. It is okay to have curves and be a good weight but to say all bodies are healthy is not good. People who don't take care of themselves of course have a high risk of illnesses. It is the opposite of the 60s when Twiggy was popular but being too skinny is also as or even more dangerous.
The world is becoming a gigantic melting pot of obesity. Curvy is beautiful, but being obese is unhealthy. @SW-User

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