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happynudist · 56-60, M
yes they can, but we have to teach our children to look at the good and bad in people not the colour of their skin or where they came from.
Children are born innocent, then they are subjected to the beliefs of the parents (right or wrong) Then they go to school , and the students and teachers influence them into society and their own beliefs.
And this continues to a point in their life when if the parents taught them properly they start to think for themselves and make their own judgement calls.
We need to judge people on the personality and actions, not from where they have entered life geographically

Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
The idea that everything cultural needs to be protected is useless. Change is inevitable and it will happen no matter what people choose to believe. There are good differences, harmless differences and bad differences.

If you reject someone, you won't be able to help him understand the bad. He/she will refer even more to what seems like his roots and seek a sense of belonging to the extent that they become willing to sacrifice their individuality and moral compass for belonging.

A moderate place where all are tolerated as people and extremities aren't encouraged for the fear of Islamophobia or anti Semitism...etc would be the ideal.
Very well said! Only when we are willing and able to look at our own (for us natural) culture as something which is not natural or better, are we able to better and more appropriately understand other cultures, with their own customs and values which have come into being under completely different conditions.
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
The problem is when people invade other people’s space with their unusual behaviour and it’s not welcomed.

If that behaviour isn’t unusual in an other part of the world then go back there and do what you like.

If you take a jigsaw piece from a different jigsaw puzzle you can’t expect it to fit into your jigsaw. You don’t try and force it in. You put it back in the right box
By invasion do you mean refugees and immigrants or are you referring to the forced democracy that the West and their allies are imposing on some Middle Eastern/North African countries. @YouCanCallMeDan
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
@Random1Thoughts I’m simplifying it, not complicating it. You complicate it to suit you
I find it difficult to understand how these people are invading others personal space. So anyone that come to my country and speak a foreign language, doesn't eat the food we consume or use cutleries used by my fellow men should leave the country.

That's preposterous and utterly ridiculous.@YouCanCallMeDan
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
its people that are unwilling to accept the differences... that goes for any topic too - people are different & others can't accept that
They fear change.
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
@Random1Thoughts i get some people fear change but if someone else has a different opinion or way of doing things, they aren't asking everyone to change!

I'm from an Indian family & a member passed away a couple of years ago, i was explaining to a colleague how the burial is different than the UK & how people deal with death in India - i was told i was stupid! Same person told me i was stupid as i don't drink tea as all Indians drink tea!

its not asking for change its down to stupidity of others
Cultural differences, not people! Culture shapes people into who they are. A newborn baby is a blank canvass, once you start hacking at its genitals filling its head full of culture you are shaping it into something it wasn't.
Overtime with education and influence of mixing with other cultures we gain the ability to reflect. This helps us to be self-reflexive to find a moderate route between the extremes of a conservative and excessively open lifestyle, so that we always retain our integrity.

Nothing is impossible if we open ourselves to change.
@Random1Thoughts Then you end up with no cultures, just a bland mix of what is acceptable and what is not. Maybe that would be the only culture in the end? A culture that in itself is not a culture as its not defined from anything else.
We are already witnessing how cultural differences may give rise to misunderstandings and conflicts.

In some cases, cultural differences are used as the pretext for starting a war, discrimination against certain nationalities and cultural groups, etc. In such a case, there is a combination of misunderstanding between cultures and a clear political, ideological or economic motive to the conflict. The results of cultural differences can be many and various in normal life, ranging from misunderstandings which can be laughed away, to threats to the very existence of a person.

Lol... this topic is now mowing on the lawn of complication.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Little bit of both
How could we ever change this problem, this has detrimental effect on society.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
I'll reiterate my original answer now since destruction of cultural values was chose for your own ba.

Call this w-a if you want.

Yet another advocation of tearing down traditions and values held by various cultures to supposedly solve all the strife in the world is a leftist ploy and a stupid one, at that. It relies on the ignorance of the person being convinced and makes ignorant assertions while doing so.

Cultural values and traditions. They aren't accidental. They aren't social constructs. They took thousands of years and made part of the regional and ethnic adaptation of those who carry them forward.

The notion that these being so resilient is because they're being protected is verbal aggression. That differences need to be erased for humankind to live peacefully is trite and as vicious as any preamble to the Stallinist purge or Hitlerean holocaust.

Lies. I'll never figure out why liberals came to believe that everything needs to be torn down and remade in the image of no morals, no standards, and no reasoning whatsoever but I do understand why they must lie. Because there is no truth in them. Destroying anything held useful by others while demanding tolerance for the spectacle of that destruction is just evil.
Some cultures are fucked up & no one should accept that.
There's good and bad in every culture. What is considered normal to you and I is tucked up to others. @DarlingSelah
People who are unwilling to accept cultural differences.
I agree, that plays a huge role in the problem.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Only a simpleton puts too much or too little self definition through ones culture. Even in the highly educated such a thing causes friction both within ones own culture and others.

The problem is that so many educated people are simpletons with nothing noteworthy to define who they are.
And that's the problem we are facing.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Random1Thoughts Facts of life are only unchanged facts so it's up to each person not to turn a simple fact into a problem.

Cultural acceptance of ones own culture is in order. Thinking you should be preoccupied about your own, or hypercritical of someone else's is bad reasoning since none of us gets to pick which culture were born and raised in.

So I think that the very idea of viewing cultural variances as a problem, then making rules to solve the problem of cultural disharmony is illogical.

If you don't like someone or something you ought to consider that nobody is asking you, or should have a right to ask you to, adapt and begin liking it.

Nor should any reasoning person go around making self affirmations about what they didn't, don't, won't or can't like.

I won't. Why does anyone else think they should?
Anybody who is different from me is wrong 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
The people are the problem.
I believe that too, misunderstanding and unwilling to accept change. Or is it fear of differences.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I think it's more the assumptions that go along with cultural differences, like if a person says they're religious, others might assume the worst and think they're Christian creationists or radical Muslims.
This is very true, people are misjudged based on assumption.
Both are a cause. And not just culture, just ideas even. I know other people raised in the same town as me, but complete assholes.
I was raised in a community that fear change. You're absolutely spot on with different ideas being another catalyst.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
people who are unwilling to accept cultural differences
It's the unwillingness to open minds to differences.
If we are not willing to accept changes, we will remained in that bubble of hate that produce stereotyping.
That doesn't make sense, if you educate yourself on cultural differences there would be no need for hatred @Random1Thoughts
In an ideal world, that would be the perfect solution. Not everyone is willing to be educated in cultural differences, change is seen as a threat.
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But Indians are not enforcing their culture in America or the UK. I'm sure both these countries has and still benefit greatly from the Indian community.
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That's fantastic and all, but why would I want Indian culture? Why would I remain in India when I am not Indian. 🤔🤔🤔
people who can't imagine or swallow the idea that different isn't bad. for example look at japan, they're mostly perceived as the most weird but there are many like me who love japan and really amazed by the fact that their culture hasn't been westernized
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Depends on ones acceptance . For me I have no problem and always respectful and eager to learn about different cultures
revenant · F

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