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Funny how it's the much older generation that seem to be the most judgmental, huh?

Magnolia31-35, F
From my experience, definitely. Working a soul-crushing job in customer service demonstrated that pretty well. "WHY HAS THE PRICE OF CHEESE GONE UP AGAIN?! WHERE IS YOUR SUPERVISOR???" Like bitch, chill I'm the supervisor and nobody here decides how much cheese is worth.
Magnolia31-35, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 I have an off-topic question if you wouldn't mind answering. What would you say is the main difference between Americans and Aussies?
Australians are more laid back than Americans. @Magnolia
Magnolia31-35, F
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 Oh yeah I'd say that's pretty characteristic of Australians.
trackman1161-69, M
Maybe, or maybe it's just resistant to change. The older we get, the less we are okay with change and yet the more change we see. You have seen change, but your perspective is limited to a couple of decades. Imagine being young in a time before computers, 24 hour newscast and immediate information (both accurate and inaccurate). Imagine being young when travel was reserved for those with wealth and time and imagine being young when most people worked farms or factories in order to survive and desk jobs were few. When you worked at home or outside the home as a teenager to help support the family. It's incredible how much changes in our lifetimes and much of that change is good and healthy, but it can be frightening for many people. Being critical of the change in technology, morality, and community may even be based on some truth, but can easily be flavored by fear. I would politely ask you to extend some grace to the older population in your life or at least try. :)
trackman1161-69, M
@maybesomeday people of any age can be rude and insensitive. I am sorry that you were judged. Nobody has the right to do that. My answer is more about being critical of the world around us which may seem judgemental. You have the right to be you young lady. :)
maybesomeday26-30, F
@trackman11 Thank you for being nice and respectful, it is refreshing.
trackman1161-69, M
you are welcome. Have a great evening in Australia. (it's morning
Probably...but I don鈥檛 know. I think the whole world is pretty judgemental lately. Everything and everyone gets on everyone鈥檚 nerves it seems.
english56-60, M
I said exactly the same at your age, its all good 馃槀馃檭
Henny61-69, M
I think you are right although I am not in that category (I do get judged however). I believe we all are entitled to some kinks
1234cardiff61-69, M
Amen to that
Or I a suffer of grumpy old man syndrome
Life was different then. I鈥檓 not in the older generation but I can understand why they would be about something鈥檚. Think about the generation below you, do you think yourself that kids today are growing up spoilt and getting away with murder. Just using that as an example.
That's a bit judgmental.
1234cardiff61-69, M
In a super market some staff pain 馃槫
Magnolia31-35, F
@1234cardiff You'd be a pain too if you worked a thankless job for minimum wage where you can barely afford rent and got abused on the regular, just saying!
maybesomeday26-30, F
@Magnolia Agree. I work in retail, and most of the customers that seem to have a problem or an attitude are the older lot. I just work there, but if something doesn't reach their standards, suddenly it's my fault and I have to cop the abuse.
Magnolia31-35, F
@maybesomeday I hope you get out soon!
sighmeupforthat46-50, M
You realize you're now doing the same thing. ...?

maybesomeday26-30, F

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