therapywanted · 41-45, M
They're not paying you enough to live with their sins, no matter how much they're paying you.
Tell the right people and move on.
Tell the right people and move on.
excuses. just because some people behave in a certain manner doesnt mean yourself have to act and behave like them, its called being mature and not following crowds.
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are you a drug dealer? if you dont like where you work or the people you work with are immature find a better suited place to work.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Sure, it's not easy.....the right thing to do is rarely ever the easy thing to do.
It's a choice you make.
And don't kid yourself...sure this world is full of dishonesty and immorality, at every turn, but there are so many many good, moral, honest people out there who make that choice every day!
It's a choice you make.
And don't kid yourself...sure this world is full of dishonesty and immorality, at every turn, but there are so many many good, moral, honest people out there who make that choice every day!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
no matter who you are or what your status, if you have to deal with others who have more power or control than you, you adapt your behaviour accordingly.
More a case of being dishonest with yourself really.
More a case of being dishonest with yourself really.
dark548 · M
@Picklebobble2 I should have left this job a long time ago but I've became complacent and made light of things I would have other time not done so. Some people are getting ripped off and paying twice.
dark548 · M
@Picklebobble2 it's not alot of money. We are talking in quantities less than $10 but it's still not right. This job can be very shady.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@dark548 i hear you. tough time to be looking for a new job though !
76starships · 46-50, M
It is hard, you're not wrong. We live in a world of lies and there are few places where you can tell the truth without consequence. Most of us mouth the lies and live the truth as best we can. Beware of those that believe the lies.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Nah... everyone has the right to think they are honest.🤣
dark548 · M
@DeWayfarer what? I'm honest mostly
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@dark548 Just joking, yet there are those who are narcissistic enough to believe their own lies. Such people would never admit it publicly, since they do not believe they are capable of it.
therapywanted · 41-45, M
Just making excuses. It's actually way easier. Don't be a dick about it, but if you always try to do what's right, and be someone you want to be, and you will be happier and your life will be easier.
dark548 · M
@therapywanted I tried to really hard actually but it ended up getting me nowhere so I had to compromise a bit.