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Is religion bad or good?

Are we influenced by forces unforseen that we are what we are today?
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As far it helps you live and let others live happily.
@sexysam Externally, you need language, sentences, interpretation and logic to know what is right and what is wrong. Internally, you just need to connect to your self(soul), no language, no logic, you directly gets answer to your queries.
sexysam · 51-55, M
@ABCDEF7 so if one connects to the Soul, there is nothing called internal or external. It's the soul communicating in the external world. Am I right?
@sexysam No, Your subconscious can connect to your soul, and your conscious brain can connect to your subconscious. Whereas you(your brain) can connect to external world through your senses and the memory.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Religion is the entire reason anyone goes to war. Take the Quran for example. The entire reason for terrorists attacking countries. Homophobic notions, disrespect for women. All from religion. Problems with same sex marriage when marriage was a law built on the foundation of religion. racism is also an example stemming from religion. Whats the point of making the oath in court if your an atheist I wonder? It's ironic England has almost stopped believing in religion completely, and has acquired more peace and freedom than the United states. Especially since The US was founded while trying to obtain freedom of religion from England. Religion is just a conglomeration of preists and believers who just want to sit on their asses for a living, get high, and accept death.
sexysam · 51-55, M
@pride49 valid point. But is Quran responsible for everything? If we look past, it was the Bible and followers. They had no mercy on who they were waging the war against. It was just dominance.

Nothing in all religious scriptures spoke about same sex marriage! Who is governing it?
pride49 · 31-35, M
@sexysam I meant all reigion really but the most current problems are from the Quran because it's still taken so seriously. All it takes is a priest interpreting the bible a certain way and oh boy it's a big deal now. Did you hear about that noahs ark movie? They wanted to put it in the "Historical" genre. WTF? bullshit
sexysam · 51-55, M
@pride49 Every religion has it's time! If it's something we do not comprehend, it's ok but before we pass judgement, can we look back into the history we were tought and see where we stand?
Ohbabe · 26-30, F
its both. Religion can give people hope. It can give them faith. It can give them happiness and a lot of people wouldn’t have it without religion. Religion can also cause hate. Religion can cause people to believe that they’re in control of the bodies/lives of others. Religion can take lives.
It's what you make it. Meaning, how you practice it. Just like everything else.
Religion in itself may provide comfort to those who need it. It's people who use religion as an excuse to oppress others that are the problem. If it wasn't religion, it would likely be something else.
@sexysam Tribal, adj. "of or characteristic of a tribe or tribes."
sexysam · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard again, your term..tribalism!! Use any dictionary you want to...
@sexysam this is the definition I meant by the term: "the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one's own tribe or social group."
You replied,
For an educated person, tribals are ppl living in forests or unearthly place (human terms)

"Educated people" do use dictionaries. That definition isn't in them, because it's a stereotype.
Religion helps people,those of us that believe,,it gives us hope,
Its good. Only bad people say otherwise ;)
Bad...It's an history fact
FailedToFetch · 56-60, M
Whoa after a few billion killings... what do you think??
sexysam · 51-55, M
@FailedToFetch and yet, here we are!
Bad. It’s a cult used for control and mass brainwash. It needs to be abolished. As in no people should be allowed to practice religion. It causes so much problems.
sexysam · 51-55, M
@MsAnnThropy how can anyone abolish religion? Is there a law? Is there an amendment or an article in the Constitution to counter it?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
all the religious crap i've studied over the years... i'm leaning towards 'bad influence'.

any 'classism' is not good, to separate peoples into categories and 'formulas' is not working out too well.

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