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vokies · 46-50, M
I wait for them to come around because my family needs me for me to help them. I live alone on lower level of my house and i go to work come home. Put money in bank so they cant wait for nme to die lol then they get my stuff. To the ones that piss me off get cut from will.

5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Unfortunately that's all you can do sometimes. Doesn't matter how many second chances, talks or whatever, they won't least not any time soon.
LyricalOne · F
@5thApprentice Just keep that pork chop around your neck.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@LyricalOne I think I need a few more chops...maybe some lamb lol
Of course. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean you have to put up with their bs
@lauriethecolourful in that case stay right away. My brother hit my mother once and I didn’t talk to him for about ten years until he apologised.
@SW-User It took him almost 10 years to apologise for hitting your mother? That's horrible. I don't understand some people. :( I am glad that your mother eventually did get the apology.
@lauriethecolourful the only reason I didn’t hit him was because my mother was too upset and said to leave it. Thing is my dad used to hit us all and my brother was the only one that continued it on.
I have and no regrets.
LyricalOne · F
If they’re toxic, why wouldn't it be okay?
A lot of people have told me I can't alienate her because she's family. I don't think that matters at all. For me, relationships are built on respect, and she doesn't respect anyone. @LyricalOne
LyricalOne · F
@lauriethecolourful You’re absolutely right.
Jibby · 56-60, C
Are you kidding me? I alienate the ones I actually like as well
@Jibby 😱
Sssslm · F
Of course. I did, until she improved herself.
AtheistsForJesus · 36-40, M
It might even be a necessity.
Of course it is!
Of course. But you must communicate the reason for excommunication them.
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
Can't really relate, my folks, brothers and one or two uncles & their families I'll run through a wall for. But I have some distant relatives that are racist assholes I don't know nor ever care about. Their toxicity my great parents kept me separated from before I had to even make that decision. I think you know the answer, it is just hard to make.
Sometimes it is absolutely necessary.
toddr13 · 46-50, M
Yes, that is acceptable. However, I would tend to just remove oneself from their influence and presence, as opposed to doing so in a confrontation with them. Sometimes it's best to just walk away.
yes. i'm not immune to toxins; must isolate re: alienate.
The problem is family relationships do not just consist of you and them, it is interwoven with everyone else and cutting ties with them would also meN cutting ties with other family members. Is it worth that?
The thing is, my grandmother has broken ties with a lot of my other family members, too. In the past, I was too young to realise that the things she said and did were pure evil, but I have had a first hand experience recently, and now I complely understand. @InOtterWords
Just because they're "Family" Doesn't make them Family
It's not healthy to keep toxic people in your life.
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Yes and why not

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