2boredEPers · 31-35, C
Nah, give me a real woman any day of the week.

SW-User Best Comment
A good heart makes an ordinary woman very beautiful. Same for men who might not be that attractive either. It's what is in the heart that counts. 😉
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KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
So the beauty standard in your eyes is only the model type?
As a woman with bad skin and a bad body I can tell you that - I didn’t always have bad skin or a bad body. I have an ok body but it’s enough to drive my husband/partner of 11 years wild.
I guess if beautiful skin and a beautiful body was all he wanted he would have left after our second child was born. But he’s not that kind of man - thankfully.
As a woman with bad skin and a bad body I can tell you that - I didn’t always have bad skin or a bad body. I have an ok body but it’s enough to drive my husband/partner of 11 years wild.
I guess if beautiful skin and a beautiful body was all he wanted he would have left after our second child was born. But he’s not that kind of man - thankfully.
RainbowSprinkles · 26-30, F
It's about kindness and true love. Looks can change at any time.
WoodyAq · M
Two points: charisma overcomes a lot of physical imperfections.
Two: the ugly ones are often the fun ones.
Two: the ugly ones are often the fun ones.
summersong · F
Thankfully there is not one single definition of beauty.

Thank you for BA!🤗🌹
Gingerbreadspice · F
I’m quite sure that contrary to popular belief not all men are attracted to all women.
Yuki2121 · 31-35, F
I used to say it what’s on the inside that counts but now it’s whatever the person see in that person.

What do you mean @Yuki2121
Yuki2121 · 31-35, F
Sorry don’t pay any mind to me. I guess I’m trying to say it’s the heart that counts not what people look like. Only I don’t believe it anymore.
BaxtersMomma · 61-69, F
I'm MUCH more attracted to a person's personality than I am their looks. Good looks don't stay with a person, normally, as they age.
Give me a sense of humor in a man ANY day over his appearance. 😉
Give me a sense of humor in a man ANY day over his appearance. 😉

Men can become attracted to women who are not thought of as attractive... it's a personal taste thing, and maybe it's her personality. On a more coarse level, maybe it's cause a gal is available.

Yeah some men are desperate @SW-User

yeah... lol... that's what I meant.
Sadly, with the stories on here... some women are as well... mostly for men who are losers, or abusive, or ignore them...
Sadly, with the stories on here... some women are as well... mostly for men who are losers, or abusive, or ignore them...

@SW-User yes I know
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Men often take what they can get, because they're at a disadvantage in the reproduction game. Also why men see a lot more women as attractive than women see men as attractive.
Bad skin or bodies, they're still women. And you can bet there are guys out there so desperate and thirsty they won't care, or will adapt to liking the only thing they can get.
Bad skin or bodies, they're still women. And you can bet there are guys out there so desperate and thirsty they won't care, or will adapt to liking the only thing they can get.

That's true I mean I know some women that look hideous and their men love them @Tatsumi
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Oh yeah true lol @NosmoKing
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bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Ey, difference in taste and all that.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
I can't speak for all, or even some men; but what attracts me in a woman is her smile, her attitude, and okay, admitting to being a "typical" visual male, her overall look. Butt ugly or beautiful is in the eye of the beholder; but I can tell you this, pretty/beautiful means nothing with a frown, and sucky attitude. If a woman is self-confident, has a smile, and seems to have a nice general attitude, then she is attractive. Oh yes, if she does the whole heavy makeup, and overly coiffed hair, I pass every single time.
rage34 · 36-40, M
[image/video deleted]
I know I'm ugle but guess that's just life
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@rage34 hardly anyone is a model so don't worry
rage34 · 36-40, M
@SW-User 🤗
valhalla · M
Love is blind, I reckon.
booboo · M
no two men are alike, just like no two women are alike...we all have our "preferences"...and before women go calling men "ugly", just remember, men aren't the ones that wear makeup....JS...hahahahahhhaahhaha
Blooo · 26-30, M
Are you actually saying that if someone isn’t a model they’re automatically ugly? Your love life must be really hard

No I'm saying not everybody looks good @Blooo
Blooo · 26-30, M
Not everyone looks bad lol@SW-User
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Yeah that depends. People see all kinds of shit. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Have you noticed some men are ugly too?
No matter how 'ugly'you are there's always gonna be someone that wants to bang you. The biggest repellent is low self esteem. I think it's great that people go for the non societal beauty and also if you look around the world they are all different. In Samoa a obese woman is the most desirable. Why do you care anyway?
No matter how 'ugly'you are there's always gonna be someone that wants to bang you. The biggest repellent is low self esteem. I think it's great that people go for the non societal beauty and also if you look around the world they are all different. In Samoa a obese woman is the most desirable. Why do you care anyway?
Jumpycat · 31-35, M
Wait I have a butt this must mean I'm ugly too!

Lol @Jumpycat