MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
No, I didn't attend either. But I've chaperoned several.
exexec · 70-79, C
It was a long, long time ago, and I went to all dances with my steady girl, who has been my wife for 30+ years. I didn't drink or use drugs, but I don't remember anything except how beautiful she was in her formal dresses. (Photos help those memories.)
Not all it seems before it, you get all ready and hyped up, spend all that money for no reason, but atleast if you go you know you've experienced it.
OnedayOnetime · 22-25, F
The moment I walked out of the room, I took my heels off and legit held my dress to wait for my parents to pick me up.
Lilarianna · 26-30, F
Was good fun but the afterparty was better 😂

Both back in my HS days. It was a fun time
marsbar · F
Long, long, long time ago. It rocked.
was a party of all partys
insidiousisblindinception · 26-30, F
@DxNxA What'd you do?

Yeah. Wallflower.
insidiousisblindinception · 26-30, F
@SW-User I hope I am as powerful of a wallflower as Charlie Kelmeckis.
SomeMichGuy · M
No prom. I have been to reunion events at my college...and a sad one for my high school class.
Memike · 31-35, M
I didn't go the guy I was dating want people to know he was gay so we just went to the movies