My cat is a member of my family. He´s never misbehaved and if he ever does, I´d train him again, I´d never get rid of him.
EniaE · 26-30, F
My cat had pooped outside his litter box before I would never get rid of him for it. Usually means his box hasn’t been cleaned in a while or he needs to see the vet beacuse something is bothering him.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
My cat gets one accident freebie for every one I have. 

I let my one cat away with as long as his health I felt was good enough to be alive; but it was only when he was sick (terminally) did he start peeing outside the litterbox.
Mondayschild · F
He rarely has accidents in the house but there will never be a question of getting rid of him.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
As many times as it takes. That goes for anyone.
TheProphet · M
I train my dogs. They don't make messes. Only lazy ass people get rid of a pet instead of training it properly.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I rub his nose in it every time. He learned not to do it.
TheProphet · M
@Thevy29 That isn't a good way to teach them and can give them diseases. Is that how your mother potty trained you?