Uumm kinda
@Olicity Me?
aradia11 · 61-69, F
as long as I have books,music , good food..n a bohemian style room..yes quiet away from everything

@nihiless - hehe, nope, I was asking the dude who posted the Q :)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
what did they do to you?
what did they do to you?
smiler2012 · 61-69
psynchedpsycho sorry i am thick i know but what point are you trying to make with the picture post below and whom is it aimed at
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
in ways Yes! in ways No.
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
smiler :I
Nihiless ,so what parts ?

Which part?
smiler2012 · 61-69
psynchedpsycho it may seem bad but no I would miss my home comforts perhaps it would be good for us to live this way as it make us see how lucky we are to have our life style compared to the hard one of a monk
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M

German monks maybe...they have good beer
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
pfft hold my whiskey
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M
@smiler sigh watermelon head apparently has too much time on his/her hands to troll my posts smh
If they hung out with nuns I could
bijouxbroussard · F
Not the religious part.