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ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Men and women AREN'T equal in all things and that is okay. Political correctness tells us that equality is the most essential thing we can isn't even realistic. Men can do things women cannot, and women can do things men cannot. There is nothing wrong with that. Equality is one of the biggest dangers in this world and it has contaminated the very relationship between male and female.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Certainly, but that is why it is up the individual. An individual has the power to create their own value and their own place in the world, however big or small they want to go. I am not promoting that abuse of a person is right...we can't just mow people down in the streets but there are many who keep themselves in a victimized state, either because they enjoy it or it has been a learned behavior. When the government imposes rules or laws based on a person feeling unequal it is a dangerous precedent that has no end...we are already seeing that now.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
MrsKatherine is everyone equal in value? No. There are a hell of a lot of people walking around this world that have very little societal value. If you are a religious person then I am sure God doesn't see it that way, but if a man (or woman) for example rapes a baby...they have no value. We have to make ourselves valuable....we aren't owed it.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
It's a slippery slope's a term that is supposed to make people feel better.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
A real man isn't afraid of a woman being considered an equal.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Raven, you are right of course. But we are equal in value.
Best post I've read all day! 👍 👏
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
When the powers that be convince everyone that we are entirely equal and institute laws claiming such, then we become a large group of cattle...equality is a myth.
No one is equal period. I believe in equal opportunity, but that's it. Some people are naturally more valuable than others. Gender has nothing to do with that.
Tminus6453 · M
Feminism, 'equality' and television/media have pretty much made men lower lifes of society
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I wasn't arguing with you...just expressing thoughts back and forth but that is fine:)
bijoux has a very dire victim complex. She imposes connotations on words and refuses to see them as anything else without being very upset with difference in perspective from other people. I saw that earlier with the N-word discussion I had with her sometime ago, and now here again with the semantics of equality. She feels a certain way, and that's that.
To be honest being a man in this day and age is by many scorned. There feels to me like a loss of man's place in the world. Good or bad I don't know but it is different
walabby · 61-69, M
Raven.. I agree. Men and women are (should be) equally valued and are obviously different. The differences compliment the other.
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walabby · 61-69, M
Me either. Total equals works for me...
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I was talking about this with someone earlier today. I held open a door for a girl and was called sexist. Chivalry can be seen as sexism now. That's just how it is.
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I don't think men and women are equal, I think women are better.
One bad ass cool twat was Jack !
jackson55 · M
Yep, right on. You said it well.
[image deleted]

manly man...
Sterling, I actually was bowing out of a potential debate that I didn't see going anywhere. I'm surprised you're insulting me rather than commending me for that. As for my having a "victim" complex, I'd love to know where you earned that degree in psychology. Please feel free to mind your own business.
"An individual has the power to create their own value and their own place in the world, however big or small they want to go"

You would never EVER understand. It would be like speaking a different language. So with respect, let's agree to disagree and move on.
Equality is NOT a "myth". It's just not a synonym for "identical".
I can tell you, "unequal" makes people feel worse.

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