remote car starter
marsbar · F
@SW-User Just about to say this
lovelypetals · 31-35, F
Well some of us were not blessed with a remote car starter. 🙄
@lovelypetals I would rather have that than a man 😂
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
@lovelypetals Am I taking crazy Pills or are people missing the point here?

Do you divorce him in summer and marry someone who cools down the heated car engine? 😂

@SW-User 😂

@SW-User 😂
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
You know he would be a keeper, I worked with a lady who's husband retired about a decade before she did and he would drop her off at the door each morning and pick her up at the door to the building every afternoon, he was a keeper, bless them both.
You could get one of those cars that start by just pressing a button on the keys
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Do you mean this literally or figuratively? 😉
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
How about a man who'll have a warm towel waiting for you when you get out of the shower?
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
If that's all it takes for you I'm sure you'll have offers lining up outside of your door...
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I only wish for a car
valhalla · M
You need a mechanic.
FreeSpirit1 · F
You have low standards

@FreeSpirit1 As does the person who originally wrote this. 😝
plaguewatcher · M
even a decent friend should do that!
A princess, Deserves a Prince, or at least a competent scallywag with a Heart
A princess, Deserves a Prince, or at least a competent scallywag with a Heart
SpaceCreature · 26-30, F
We girls are lazy.