firefall · 61-69, M
Not at all - for me there's always an awareness of how that just turns on random chance, whether you drew the addiction gene in the genetic lottery. Blaming someone for that seems ... cruel
SweetMae · 70-79, F
No, but I can't enable them either.
Aperson · M
I Do Not Look Down To Anyone.
I don't lol down on them but a lot of times they aren't nice because they let their addictions get the upper hand of their lives.. Like stealing from others to support their habit or acting odd because they are drunk..
There was a guy we used to know back in the city in the 90's who died from a drug over dose.. Just down the road from our house too.. I guess the police found him in his car..
And whereas I wouldn't say I looked down on them I certainly don't look up to them.. Eh?
There was a guy we used to know back in the city in the 90's who died from a drug over dose.. Just down the road from our house too.. I guess the police found him in his car..
And whereas I wouldn't say I looked down on them I certainly don't look up to them.. Eh?
KellyBear · 41-45, F
I don't look down on them but always hope for them they will get out of that mess. Admire those who do get out of it all and feel bad for those who cannot.
Judge and you shall be judged! He who's free of sin...cast the first stone!!!
We all have our own journey!! There is far to much fear and lack of compassion...instead of passing judgement on these addicts, give ur time and understand the hell they're going thru! If not..mind your business! Lol!!!🌝
We all have our own journey!! There is far to much fear and lack of compassion...instead of passing judgement on these addicts, give ur time and understand the hell they're going thru! If not..mind your business! Lol!!!🌝

I know they can't help it, they need help not be looked down on
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LatteQueen · 41-45, F
I don't. I feel bad for them though.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Drug addicts have a choice to say yes or no to drugs there choice same as alcohol don't have to become alcoholic
Lucifer · 36-40, M
Not if they're far enough away.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Shewolf they choose drugs no one forced them they had choice yes or no same as everyone
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Drug addicts, no, not usually. Alcoholics...I sometimes do even though I shouldn't, but not all that often. However, I do look down upon social drinkers because I find it pathetic as hell for someone to have to drink alcohol in order to socialize and be near other humans.
StarLily · 51-55, F
No I don't, but I don't enable them either. Those who actively seek healing from their addictions I find inspiring... not at all losers!
ukrainianladyxx · 26-30, F
I don't look down on anyone unless I've power slammed them
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
My father is an alcoholic, however he deserves all of the attention i give him, and even more.