Mondayschild · F
I don't celebrate Halloween
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I got a bag of assorted tootsie roll candies but I’m probably going to need another bag
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GreenGoddess · F
I don't actually know. Whatever someone else buys I'll hand out. Hopefully my daughter comes home by then and we can greet the Trick or Treaters together.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
20 lbs, we get lots of kids, chocolates,tootsies rolls, candy bars, asst everything. We have a reputation to keep up. We get hundreds of kids

I'll be handing cigarettes to the kidos...
wonkavite04 · 22-25, F
Trick or treating, then later on gonna help pass out candy.
Both maybe, I have a bag in the house 🎃
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Anth... I mean Fun Dip
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
I won't even be home
maybecrazyTom · 31-35, M
wish i could still trick or treat. i would get so high then munch the hell out all day
wish i could still trick or treat. i would get so high then munch the hell out all day
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Deadcutie · 18-21, F
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GreenGoddess · F
@maybecrazyTom That's why I had a baby. To old to trick or treat but not to old to take someone 😈. I'll have to wait until next year though when she can walk 😂.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I'm gonna go cause trouble.
Proudtobfrmwv · F
Candy bars,and suckers..🍭🍭
dum dums
@Mondayschild The have a Tennessee redneck flavor. It's delicious!
Mondayschild · F
@jjoe01 tastes like PBR🤔
@Mondayschild Yes, with a hint of ammonia! 😋