You dont get monthly period, you dont get pregnant and you can be polygamous and get away with it
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Challenger1 · M
@zoiera heart breaker, asshole, jerk, useless peice of shit... different words same meaning.
@Challenger1 the only people who brands him asshole will be those who are in the side of the girl but in front of his friends he is "cool"..
Challenger1 · M
@zoiera depends on his friends, same as for a woman. The same is true for a woman who cheats on a man. She will have supporters and those who call her bad names because she hurt someone they like. I am going to say that there is no advantage for either gender here. I think anyone who cheats is horrible

No monthly periods.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
You generally feel safer. Walking home late at night, being in a room full of the other gender and such things.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Challenger1 I'll catch up with it
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Challenger1 ah, something I forgot; you feel more comfortable with your sexuality, you find it easier to masturbate and it takes less to make you orgasm.
Challenger1 · M
@HannibalAteMeOut this could be true on average. Agreed
celine211 · 22-25, F
Your physically stronger, no monthly pains, no labor pain= no body change due to pregnancy,more work pay,less harassment-rape/any other sexual abuse,your mama is less likely to give you cleaning work when your a kid, don't have to worry as much about being the last person on the bus-walking alone-wearing the wrong clothes..need i say more?
Challenger1 · M
@celine211 but more likely to be killed at work, and more likely to be violently assaulted.
I agree there are advantages thank you for answering.
I agree there are advantages thank you for answering.
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Challenger1 · M
@zoiera even that article points out that this is largely due to women picking lower earning careers than men on average. This is not a case of a woman making less than a man for the same work. This is a case of all women together making less than all men are. This is due to women picking fields that make less money.
Companies with more than 500 staff will have to introduce mechanisms to equalise pay for both sexes, said SPD parliamentary chief Thomas Oppermann
It's not just that.. it's because men are given better opportunities than women and because there are really inequalities in pay scales in some countries..
Read the last paragraphs in the second link.. even with the factors yoi said being considered, there are still % in the gap that cannot be explained by their career choices.
The main reason for this is because companies tend to prefer men in higher positions because when women get to have a family they are entitled to a lot of benefits such as "maternity leaves" and the likes which are additional cost to these companies aside from the fact that they have to bear with the burdens that comes with it
Companies with more than 500 staff will have to introduce mechanisms to equalise pay for both sexes, said SPD parliamentary chief Thomas Oppermann
It's not just that.. it's because men are given better opportunities than women and because there are really inequalities in pay scales in some countries..
Read the last paragraphs in the second link.. even with the factors yoi said being considered, there are still % in the gap that cannot be explained by their career choices.
The main reason for this is because companies tend to prefer men in higher positions because when women get to have a family they are entitled to a lot of benefits such as "maternity leaves" and the likes which are additional cost to these companies aside from the fact that they have to bear with the burdens that comes with it
Challenger1 · M
@zoiera perhaps, but there has been a complete shift in the opportunities afforded in the western world now. There are far more scholarships for women. Women are encouraged and lured into the sciences. It is easier to get
Some1Else · M
Challenger1 · M
@Some1Else how is that an advantage?

Our urination locations are greater..
dark548 · M
Not giving birth
Some1Else · M
If I have to explain....
Capo2 · 56-60, M
You can pee just about anywhere, except on to a live high voltage wire.
FreshOranges · 26-30, F
You get fewer sour faces if you fart...
Chickie · F
Pissing is more convenient! You don't have to worry about getting pregnant, no severe period camps, no periods no messy clothes. you can get away with being a dick.