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billytex1 · 70-79, M
physiologically, as long as a male is able to ejaculate, the sperm contained within the ejaculate is viable - i.e. alive and kicking. The male reproductive system is intentionally designed to produce WAY more living sperm than needed, as an 'insurance policy' if you will that if he ejaculates into a fertile female, pregnancy will result. Remember that typical sperm count for most adult males - even mature ones - is anywhere from 120-320 MILLION living, viable sperm cells - and it only takes one.
Unless he's had a vasectomy, his testicles have been irradiated (accidentally or intentionally) with sufficient dosage that produced sperm are either dead or incapable of fertilizing an egg, or his testicles have been removed, or other actual measures have been taken to prevent sperm from being produced, males are fertile until they die.
There are way too many guys, some well into their 70's, out there that believed the myth that after a certain age they can't father a child - and found out the hard way that's simply not true.
Also the old wives tale of taking hot baths or otherwise keeping ones testicles warmer than usual will render a man sterile is similarly a lot of bunk - and just results in unwanted pregnancy. While keeping ones testicles warmer than their optimal temperature does decrease viable sperm production, it in no way stops it or renders the sperm produced to be impotent - and besides - sperm is stored after production in the seminal vesicles inside the body, on either side of the prostate - even if it did have significant effect, taking a hot bath then having sex doesn't do anything for all the stored sperm a man has saved up inside him.
Your buddy needs to either get his gal onto birth control, or use condoms - but it sounds like their situation is such that they have other issues to worry about anyhow and right now would be a bad time for them to be bringing a child into the world in the first place.
Unless he's had a vasectomy, his testicles have been irradiated (accidentally or intentionally) with sufficient dosage that produced sperm are either dead or incapable of fertilizing an egg, or his testicles have been removed, or other actual measures have been taken to prevent sperm from being produced, males are fertile until they die.
There are way too many guys, some well into their 70's, out there that believed the myth that after a certain age they can't father a child - and found out the hard way that's simply not true.
Also the old wives tale of taking hot baths or otherwise keeping ones testicles warmer than usual will render a man sterile is similarly a lot of bunk - and just results in unwanted pregnancy. While keeping ones testicles warmer than their optimal temperature does decrease viable sperm production, it in no way stops it or renders the sperm produced to be impotent - and besides - sperm is stored after production in the seminal vesicles inside the body, on either side of the prostate - even if it did have significant effect, taking a hot bath then having sex doesn't do anything for all the stored sperm a man has saved up inside him.
Your buddy needs to either get his gal onto birth control, or use condoms - but it sounds like their situation is such that they have other issues to worry about anyhow and right now would be a bad time for them to be bringing a child into the world in the first place.
@billytex1 Using the pull out method, about how many living sperm do you calculate to be present?
billytex1 · 70-79, M
@Selfexpression the two have nothing to do with each other - my statement was an approximation made from medical texts on how many living sperm are in the ejaculate - which has nothing to do with any birth control method whatsoever - and besides, that method is about as reliable as trying to put out the sun with a water hose - sperm are found in viable quantity in some males in their pre-ejaculate as well - and some guys actually start oozing viable semen jost before they actually start the full ejaculatory response, so again that's providing enough sperm to do the job.
GreenGoddess · F
There is no age limit really. It depends on the individual when their sperm stops swimming.
Humanist321 · M
Well, a man's sperm is still viable so long as he is able to ejaculate, unless he has his sperm ducts cut, which many men do because it is easier than using a condom if you are past the point when you want to make children. The short answer is that most men are capable (short of some medical reason) until they are in their 70s.
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
Sperm never stops working. Women's eggs can weaken in health as the woman gets older, but she can still get pregnant; her child is in more of risk of having issues the older the woman gets. Humans were built so they can multiply.
golemn9 · 31-35, M
they work until the end. shes going to have another kid.
@golemn9 oh boy
sunrisehawk · 61-69, M
It doesn't stop working, just most men's count goes down with age, but still effective.
I was wondering the same question the other day.
I was googling it and they said age 40 it starts declining and makes it harder for women to get pregnant but who knows
I was googling it and they said age 40 it starts declining and makes it harder for women to get pregnant but who knows
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
I wish there was a way for a man to control that himself.
Salix75 · 46-50, F
Never. Men are pretty much fertile their whole lives
I think sperm lasts indefinitely when frozen.
Age limit? Ummm it doesnt work like that
Goralski · 56-60, M
It doesn't 😭ask Mick jagger