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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
it's like bad.. mmmkay.
i knew many women who did it for years and quite a few said "gotta stop, scalp came off in my hands.... gone natural now"
yeh man.
it's like breaking bad but the floor hasn't fallen from under you while you're a bag of puss.
(and i lived early enough to see the manic panic epic.)
i knew many women who did it for years and quite a few said "gotta stop, scalp came off in my hands.... gone natural now"
yeh man.
it's like breaking bad but the floor hasn't fallen from under you while you're a bag of puss.
(and i lived early enough to see the manic panic epic.)
Neurotoxin · 31-35, M
@sighmeupforthat your scalp can come off? Oh shit
My hair grows fast so when i had it bleached out it was a constant process.. I got tired and dyed it black and the next morning it freeked me out (suddenly seeing jet black hair in the mirror after being light for so long) 😳😳
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
use color instead.It is gentler on the hair and more exact.If you need high lift use 40 volume peroxide.
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
I know...I went through that so I gave up. Besides blondes do not have more fun.