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Ever realize that a friend was never a friend?

A former friend has never hearted or responded to any of my posts. She's only interested in how much attention her zillion posts get. No loss there!
Serenitree · F Best Comment
I had a friend, in real life, for ten years. Until one day she said and did something so hurtful, I started examining our relationship and realized, I was her friend, but she NEVER saw herself as my friend. She never thought of me as a friend. I was a fool. I stopped that day, and I have never explained why I stopped answering her calls or returning calls when she left messages.
@Serenitree I later realized that whenever we hung out together my life turned into a mess. Her awful put-down woke me up to what a bad influence she had on me.
Serenitree · F
@SW-User now you are FREE. Free of that negative influence. Free to grow and be whom you know you can be.
@Serenitree I have better friends now.

yeah lost a couple of online friends that werent really friends. some of them turned out to be pathetic when you find out their true nature. because of the masks they worn. sadly i still really care for one asshole.
@SW-User Too true. And in this case the attention hound is all about the 'get' and never the 'give'.
yeh they are usually that way. self centered
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Yup, there's a lot of people on here like that.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Unfortunately it has happened to me as well
Lot of those on here ,self obsorbed .......
This might read better if you said, 'ever realized that once who you thought as a friend was never a friend'?
@SW-User once who you thought?
@SW-User That's what a friend would be if you are realizing they are not, now. Phrasing, only.
Serenitree · F
@SW-User maybe, "who you once thought was a friend". That seems more likely
Degbeme · 70-79, M
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
What's the point? Not like she's running a business or part of a brand. 🙄
Some1Else · M
Is she "distinctive" or different
and gets her attention from that?
TheProphet · M
Who is it?
@TheProphet Someone who shall stay nameless and muted.
ListenAndLearn · 26-30, M

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