saintsong · 41-45, F
My pharmacist and my therapist, and my friends including myself all say that I don't talk about normal things....perks of being schizo! I'm a good person but not a conversationalist unless it comes to religion and persecution and the supernatural......nobody wants to talk to me I'm traumatized!
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@saintsong I like talking about different things too. So if you want a non-sexual chat anytime, I'm in!
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
I'm indecent, but it is only the middle of the day here! Happy to have a decent chat!
dark548 · M
Too much emotional investment without really knowing you lol
Benjr134 · M
None of us are descent but we do have descent moments. Lol
DemonicPersona · F
decent 😂
bell1990 · 31-35, F
Hi Fav😎