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Would you be a very good President if put in office?

What would your slogan be?
I'd vote for you
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monster007 · 46-50, F
STOP CORRAPTION... free schooling and uni for children.. like most poorer country have... get rid of tossers and liars....
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
I wouldn't last 3 weeks from the reforms I try to set forth
@MikefromEP Anything could happen really, some Presidents lasted quite a bit and they were not popular
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
@squirtle I wouldn't make it to Prime Minister just from the things I would say on my candidate run.
The usual your lives as you can,whatever happens up here is non of your damn business 😐
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"A Mexican in every yard"
beepbopbeep · 31-35, F
"Nap time for all!"
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
I wouldn't, because it's too responsible for me. If I had a slogan it would be "Out with the new and in with the old".

Para sa kapayapaan!!!!
Kill, Fuck, Sleep

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