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Resist this as if your life depends on...... it literally does

Stefanv · 56-60, M
The world has always flourished when there is more carbon in the atmosphere and it is warmer. Climate change is not caused by carbon or by humans but by natural forces. Currently we are at the end of a minor ice age and thst is why it appears to be getting warmer. Temperatures always rise first and carbon follows not the other way around. Watch @ClimateTheMovie.
If they cared about carbon foot prints. Private air travel would be the first item on the list..

I’ll not be lectured by turds with a financial interest in renewables…
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DarkXtecy · 36-40, M
@ToddpicogramakaSatan ah I see....a feeble attempt to start a religious discord. Seems like you live on social attention drama.
Well, it is also a guarantee working method, for thos that are not wise. Coz the wise do not feed those that are willingly wish to be hopeless.
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