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If science is so good why is it that we still use mostly natural products? Wool comes from sheep, nylon comes from goats and rubber comes from

trees. Scientist (pseudo non creation scientists) will say: 'We invented oil.' Well this is not true. Oil was produced after the scientifically proven global flood 4,503 years ago.
The dinosaurs and all the other non essential beings were ordered away from the Ark and sent into the abyss to become oil for the future of the World.
Their sacrifice is why we are mobile today. Perhaps these atheists and these 'pseudo, non creation scientists' should ponder on this the next time they fill up their tanks.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M Best Comment
On behalf of my flock of pet Acrylics, I resent you ignoring minority animal flocks.. While not great housepets, they do a wonderful job keeping the pests and weeds away from my pasta grove..😷

And Thank you for the Best Comment. May your Naugahyde be fruitful..😷
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Sir, once again I feel that you have misunderstood my post, clearly I have the utmost respect for acrylic farmers and I am impressed by the amount of polystyrene that your Drop Bears produce, it it were not for them there would be no single use plastics. Respect Sir.

hunkalove · 61-69, M
I suspect NASA and the Royal Family were behind it.
jackieash · 26-30
@hunkalove All the illuminati!
sben4200 · 51-55, M
So, God created a bunch of "non essential" animals. That sounds rather flawed of him.

Also, what is this "abyss" that they were sent into?

Lastly, nylon does not come from goats.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@sben4200 Sorry, I typed this in a hurry...I meant lions, this is why it is called ' nylon because it rhymes with 'lion'. Hope this helped.
@sben4200 this is genius satire, don't worry about it 😁
DocSavage · M
Wool, rubber, nylon, oil, may originate from natural sources. The technology that makes them useful to us is the science you scuff at.
Nothing wrong or unusual about processing natural resources, it just makes life easier.
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AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@jackieash I was not aware of this 'Arch' you speak of, is there a gap in my scientific ability...I am really worried. Was it the Arc de Trumpet (which is in France)?
jackieash · 26-30
@AndysAttic Wasn't it Marble Arch in London? One needs to find these things out, Andy.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@jackieash Jackie Ma'am, I do not want this to sound like a rebuke but there is no landmark in the entire world that I do not have full knowledge of. Whether that be the 'Leaning Tower of Giza (Spain), the 'Hanging Gardens of Basildon'...Or indeed, the greatest landmarks of all, the 'Great Pirimids of Piza' (Egipt). I am a Global expert.

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