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I’ve seen proof.

If anyone here has any doubt that God works in mysterious ways, I have seen it first hand this past month. I was in a situation that I couldn’t figure out how to handle, and in the most unimaginable way, God took care of it for me. There is no doubt. The way things played out was beyond my wildest imagination. God took care of me . Period. You may not believe in God. But there is no other way this could have happened the way it did. Trust and believe.
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
I had to trust God for my safety yesterday and He did an amazing job.
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@Matt85 I’m so glad he did!
Uncfred · 61-69, M
I have recently suffered grief, questioning why, but I am happier thinking someone else has found reason however different to my thoughts. I hope life is good to you from now on.
I definitely believe you and believe in God and what you said here, is true. I've had it happen to me, as well. God cares about the details of our lives.
I love that you were able to se this work in your life. so many don't. I've seen his hand in so many wild situation where there was no other way out. Nothing feels better than experiencing his love and care for you first hand.
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@redredred ok, you believe what you want to, and I’ll do the same. Have
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
I am so glad good things have happened for you.
Willyp063 · 61-69, M
HannahSky · F
Good for you, but people are free to believe what they want.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
As long as it gives you peace..😷
Thats cool, meanwhile florida is still trying to recover from a cat 4 hurricane, theres been an island on fire, turkey and morrocco got hit by massive earthquakes and god didnt do shit to help. But its nice to know he saved 1 person out of the millions killed and billions of dollars in damages incurred
@Mistakesmakeus Natural disasters. Our response to events, depends on what we believe or know about God. We can be unjust to God and in our flawed understanding of God. Man breaks God's divine laws constantly, then blames God for everything. How convenient.
redredred · M
Why did your god let you get into the situation requiring near miraculous extrication?
redredred · M
@Mbingh01 sure but you can clearly see why your claim is a bit unconvincing, right?
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@redredred that’s your opinion which you are entitled to.
redredred · M
Okay but I think my questions are reasonable and more in line with logic than your claim. Try to hear it with my ears, it simply sounds very circular in terms of logic.@Mbingh01
Lucky you! I'm glad he cares about one of his children at least.
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@NerdyPotato he cares for all of us.
@Mbingh01 except the starving, disabled, cancer patients, everyone in hurricane and flood areas, etc. So basically almost nobody.

But though it might sound bitter, I'm honestly happy for you that he picked you out for a special treatment. I'm sure you deserve it and maybe he'll get to everyone else some day. It's good news for everybody that he finally made a start to help some people.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
Can you please tell in detail what happened Ma'am?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Renaci · 36-40
Personal incredulity is not evidence.

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