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Why are some people into inbreeding? Like being attracted to your own relatives is gross, strangers are sexier because they are naturally mysterious馃し

Makes me think some were abused and think that's normal.

Blocked one that openly said he's into that in his profile.
antonioioio70-79, M
@SW-User that is so true 鉂わ笍
@SW-User It鈥檚 creepy. A female poster (I guess) was complaining that a law prohibiting incest was somehow discriminatory. 馃槼
ServantOfTheGoddess61-69, M
Every known human culture has a prohibition of incest but what counts as incest varies by culture. Marrying a cousin, even a first cousin, is perfectly legal in Canada and many other countries, and fine in many religions, even though a lot of Canadians think it is "gross".

It may be true that strangers are sexier because they're mysterious, but it's also true that a relative might be a lot easier to get along with and build a life with, because you would share a lot of the same culture and expectations.
@rhouse Yeah, but get the religious folks to discuss that. I asked the nuns about it and almost got suspended from school. 馃槄
rhouse56-60, M
I am not defending one way or another but I don't like statements that don't hold up to scrutiny. @ServantOfTheGoddess
ServantOfTheGoddess61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Depends which religious folks. It's no secret at all in Jewish bible commentary.
SteelHands61-69, M
It's always the Dopamine Oxytocin Serotonin Endorphine response. Biochemically triggering those secretions at a subconscious level . Optimal when secretions of pheromones are between 3 minutes and some number of hours after bathing without use of modifying scents, and picked up as a boosted version of ones own immune system, an immune system that compliments ones own, or one that is deplete in one of the eight main types that is rare to your own.

Unless the female is pregnant, on birth control pills, or men or women has drugs the other one does not use in their bloodstream.
SteelHands61-69, M
@SteelHands A conformity to monogamous familial building from external addition of procreative genotypes is the very root of reproductive structures that stabilize societies and human reproductive normacy.

It seems to me very apparent that those who are aware of their deviance and outward overture in a hope for community to accept and pretend to normatize it always carry internal feelings of confusion as to why they are not normal or at some subconscious level wish that they were.

That they oppose traditional lifelong pair bonding and it's fiduciary socioeconomic benefits is remarkable. Because that means that they are both the cause and the affect, victim and perpetrator of their own degeneracies. One cannot cure themselves until they both acknowledge the illness and ameliorate the cause.
MURD3RM0NK3Y26-30, M
Idk my cousin is pretty hot
StormyChan31-35, F
@MURD3RM0NK3Y ewww馃ぃ馃ぃ
MURD3RM0NK3Y26-30, M
@StormyChan mhmmmmm yes 馃い
rhouse56-60, M
I don't fantasize about breeding another family member, only having sex. Way different. :-)
@rhouse Still disgusting. 馃槼
rhouse56-60, M
Maybe but it is relevant to the discussion. @bijouxbroussard
cherokeepatti61-69, F
With all the people in this world they choose their relatives.. I think they are lazy and have no morals or boundaries.
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Philth46-50, M
I understand that in some parts of the South West, local stores stock 'family size' value packs of condoms
ididntknow51-55, M
Has anyone seen the Whittaker鈥檚 on YouTube
StormyChan31-35, F
@ididntknow I didn't what is it?馃槷
ididntknow51-55, M
ididntknow51-55, M
babieseatcrap41-45, M
that's a great idea for a non profit activist group inbreeders rights
They're probably lonely or aren't around enough people.
MonaReeves8636-40, F
some cultures they marry in the family like cousins, as they familiar with them and aren't strangers, I know seems awful but works for some
Gangstress41-45, F
it was all the rage in the historic religious books.
Some people apparently think they鈥檙e royalty and that their family tree shouldn鈥檛 have branches.
I have no idea 馃あ tbh I don't want to know
empanadas31-35, M
They want kids with three nipples

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