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What's one thing you wish you've done more as a Child?

I wish I would have started competitive sports at an early age. Mainly Football (Soccer) and Track & Field.
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Peacekittie · 51-55, F
Not taken my Dads insults & mental cruelty to heart as much
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@Peacekittie True, just wish maybe both of you could've come to terms before his passing. So both of you could've found your peace.
Peacekittie · 51-55, F
Oh we did. A day before he died in hospital he took my hand & said a few things that would have been better said 40 years ago but they were said & his apology was accepted @ispeedy
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@Peacekittie Beautiful, really Glad to hear.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Soccer is competitive?
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@MasterLee Football* and yes depending on where you play.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ispeedy well football is but soccer? Really?
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@MasterLee Where I play it's really competitive. It's gotten soft over the years though. Players dive over little touches.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
I wished the same but my dad wanted me to take the sport he liked and not let me play soccer. I was good at it and I could have built a future in that
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@ispeedy I had like really good talent. I used to kick the butts of the older kids. I begged my dad to get me trained but he tormented me and never let me take anything I liked. I eventually gave up on the sport and watched it all fade away.
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@Beatbox34 That's unfortunate to hear, I hate to see talent go waste. Same thing happened to me. My parents rather me spend the time on school. I get sad when I see youngsters making millions and living the life I could've had. I always think, that could've been me.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@ispeedy My dad was a person who controlled me like a puppet. He screwed my life beyond repair. He made me dress the way he wanted, eat the food he liked and even play the sport he wanted. I ended up hurt after playing the sport he wanted even though I never liked it.

My life is all about "what if?". My dad and a lot of people screwed it. But that's how it is. I chucked it all up and have learned to keep quiet now
Stood up for myself
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@SW-User Same here, too many times I let people walk over me. Made me a stronger person though. Hopefully it's made you stronger as well.
akindheart · 61-69, F
nothing. i played a lot and explored and had a good time
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@akindheart Glad to hear
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Been more serious about school, and music!
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@samueltyler2 I feel school is one thing a lot us wish we took more seriously
No time like the present @ispeedy
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@SW-User very true, just bought one and will start practicing soon
I wish I’d stuck with ballet. I’d have a healthier body now.
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard It's never too late to get healthy.
@ispeedy Yes, and I’m active. But the regimen would’ve been invaluable.
ispeedy · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard I see what you mean, I wish you the best

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