ArtieKat · M
Not worth money as such but I enjoyed the prestige of winning "Love Your Leftovers" organised by our local council for the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. My recipe was printing on glossy cards and was published on the Council website.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Who will you take with you? 😀
When I did competition gymnastics, the sponsors would sometimes give us small prizes in addition to the winners cup or rosette. I once won a voucher for a milkshake and icecream bar in town and I took all my room mates and we were very excited and made lot of noise. They didn't offer that prize again 🤣
When I did competition gymnastics, the sponsors would sometimes give us small prizes in addition to the winners cup or rosette. I once won a voucher for a milkshake and icecream bar in town and I took all my room mates and we were very excited and made lot of noise. They didn't offer that prize again 🤣
happygoluckygal · F
@SunshineGirl That was a good prize, I offered it to my mum and dad as b/f away but my dad wants me and my mum to go😃. He probably playing darts or watching football then😂
tfan123 · 46-50, M
A Super Nintendo video game from a contest on Nickelodeon when I just turned 15 👍🙂

I was the fastest swimmer in my batch.
ArtieKat · M
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