Dark Cloud and Morrowind are my favorites.
Jephy · 36-40, M
@GermanAf: I can't believe someone listed Dark Cloud, good choice!

@Jephy: First came across it on a Demo CD for the PS2. Didn't let me go until I got it 6 years later :)
Worth every god damn penny!
Worth every god damn penny!
Carver · 31-35, F
At the moment, it's Nioh. Even though it has me rage-quitting more than I did with any of the Dark Souls games. It's still a lot of fun.
Drdirt · 26-30, F
Digital devil saga and Devil may cry for video games
Chess and apples to apples for board-ish type of games
And tag for running around type of games
Chess and apples to apples for board-ish type of games
And tag for running around type of games
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Horizon Zero Dawn right now
MsDutchy · F
skyrim, CIV V and last of us
MarineBob · 56-60, M


cherokeepatti · 61-69, F