Racial Powers: "Grovel, Cower and Beg" - groveling distracts foes allowing an ally advantage on attack rolls. This applies to enemies within 10' of me (he will grovel to his gods for this purpose) "Pack Tactics" if an ally is within 5' of my opponent I have advantage on attacks "Sunlight Sensitivity" disadvantage on Attck Rolls and Perception checks in sunlight.
Paladin 1st lvl Abilities -Divine Sense pg 84 PHB -Lay on Hands - heals lvl x 5 (5hp) pg 84 PHB
Background: Folk Hero (Skills: Animal Handling, Survival) Defining event: I stood up to a tyrants agent Personality trait: Thinking is for other people, I prefer action. Ideal: Destiny! Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. Bond: A proud noble (or adventurer?) once gave me a horrible beating, and I will take my revenge on any bully I encounter. Flaw: Secretly I think that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land.
You and your friends have rented a log cabin for a a weekend of hiking. Last night got out of hand though, you had one too many drinks and wake up this morning to the sound of the TV still on. You hear the morning news playing in the back ground. Beer bottles are laying around all over the place, you've all crashed out in different rooms.
Out side you hear the sound of thunder. Rain is gushing down the windows, the rickety old cabin is creaking and slowly swaying in the wind.
@SuicideScout: Thorn gets a little worked up, "whoa, whoa, WOAH! Time travel? That's a joke right?" Thorn looks around for a camera. Then he looks down at the beaker that Wade is holding. Then he looks at Wade in the eyes. "No. No way. We aren't drinking that... whatever it is. This is all made up." Thorn looks around for an exit.
@PoizonApple: can you post me your characters main stats please and we'll begging there's you and one other guy so far. Others might join in, but I'll GM the crap out of it and get em involved lol
Racial Powers: "Grovel, Cower and Beg" - groveling distracts foes allowing an ally advantage on attack rolls. This applies to enemies within 10' of me (he will grovel to his gods for this purpose) "Pack Tactics" if an ally is within 5' of my opponent I have advantage on attacks "Sunlight Sensitivity" disadvantage on Attck Rolls and Perception checks in sunlight.
Paladin 1st lvl Abilities -Divine Sense pg 84 PHB -Lay on Hands - heals lvl x 5 (5hp) pg 84 PHB
Background: Folk Hero (Skills: Animal Handling, Survival) Defining event: I stood up to a tyrants agent Personality trait: Thinking is for other people, I prefer action. Ideal: Destiny! Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. Bond: A proud noble (or adventurer?) once gave me a horrible beating, and I will take my revenge on any bully I encounter. Flaw: Secretly I think that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land.