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I'm such a dork but this is so cool.

I decided to start feeding details of an existing RPG game to ChatGPT so it can write scripts of dialogue and make a more complex and nuanced story. I play the game, pause at certain points (usually where ChatGPT doesn't have any control on the game mechanics, like if it's still in question who is going to win a fight, if they're gonna live or die, etc.) give the details, and ChatGPT... just executes everything SO PERFECTLY. It gets all the characters and details spot on, and even adds details that are like... "why didn't the developers add that in the first place". Pretty amazing, actually.

I know I'm a dork but this is how I'm gonna play the game from now on. 😆
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@UndeadSona GPT converted the game from simple fighting mechanics and some basic character traits, to this: **Scene: The stage is alive with the sounds of steel clashing and the roars of battle. Talion and Nákra fight fiercely atop the makeshift platform, their strikes swift and unrelenting. As the duel intensifies, a few of Nákra’s loyal followers leap from the crowd, charging in to aid their leader. Talion, undeterred, cuts them down with ghostly precision, his eyes never leaving Nákra.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*with a fierce swing of his sword, knocking Nákra back*
"Even with your followers, you can’t stop me, Nákra. Surrender now, or face something far worse than death."


**Nákra the Ear-Collector:**
*wiping blood from his mouth, sneering*
"Is that all you’ve got? I won’t bow to you, Gravewalker! I’ve killed stronger men than you!"


**Talion lunges forward, and in a flash of Wraith energy, he grabs Nákra’s face with his left hand, attempting to force submission through sheer power. Nákra grits his teeth, his body trembling under the influence but refusing to yield.**


**Nákra the Ear-Collector:**
*struggling, his voice filled with defiance*
"I’ll never serve you! You can’t break me!"


**Talion releases Nákra, his eyes narrowing as he realizes brute force alone won’t work. With a quick movement, he slashes across Nákra’s arm, blood spilling onto the stage.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*voice cold and steady*
"If you won’t submit willingly, then I’ll strip you of everything until there’s nothing left."


**The uruks watching begin to murmur, their excitement dimming as they see their leader struggle. Talion steps forward again, placing his hand on Nákra’s face for the second time, the Wraith power surging through him. But still, Nákra resists, though with more difficulty.**


**Nákra the Ear-Collector:**
*spitting blood, his voice shaking but still defiant*
"Do your worst, Gravewalker. You’ll get nothing from me!"


**This time, Talion drives his sword into the stage, pulls one of the ears from Nákra’s gruesome collection, and holds it up to the crowd. A murmur spreads through the uruks as they see the Ear-Collector being publicly humiliated.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*mocking, raising the ear for all to see*
"Look at this, Nákra. Even your trophies won’t save you now. How will they respect you if you can’t even protect your spoils?"


**Nákra’s eyes widen in anger, his pride wounded, but he still resists, gritting his teeth against the shame. Talion steps back again, frustration building.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*fiercely, his voice rising*
"I will break you, Nákra, piece by piece!"


**For the third time, Talion grabs Nákra by the face, pouring even more Wraith energy into him, the power almost overwhelming. Nákra’s body trembles violently, but he still refuses to submit. Talion snarls in frustration and, in an act of pure humiliation, rips one of the more prominent ears off Nákra’s belt and tosses it into the dirt in front of the crowd.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
"Is this what you’ve become? A pathetic leader who can’t even keep his own trophies?"


**Nákra the Ear-Collector:**
*on his knees, panting, the shame finally starting to break through his stubbornness*
"Stop… enough…"


**Talion glares down at him, satisfied but unrelenting. One final time, he places his hand on Nákra’s face, the Wraith power flaring brighter than ever before. Nákra lets out a guttural groan as his will begins to break under the pressure of both the physical pain and the public disgrace.**


**Nákra the Ear-Collector:**
*barely whispering, his voice broken*
"I… I submit."


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*standing tall, finally victorious*
"Good. You serve me now, Nákra. Try to resist again, and your suffering will be endless."


**Nákra lowers his head, his pride shattered, but he knows he has no choice. The crowd is silent, stunned by the sight of their once-fearless leader brought low. Talion steps away, leaving Nákra kneeling in shame. He has conquered not just through strength, but by stripping away the very identity Nákra held dear.**


**Talion (Gravewalker):**
*addressing the crowd*
"Your Ear-Collector is mine. Join me, or face his fate."


**The uruks, eyes wide, slowly bow their heads in submission, unwilling to face the same fate as Nákra. Talion’s army grows, one broken leader at a time.**
UndeadSona · F
@SinlessOnslaught wtf lmao 💀
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@UndeadSona It's actually a rough abstraction of what happened in the game... I think it's awesome. 😆
Straylight · 31-35, F
What kind of game is it? Dice wise I mean.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@Straylight So many misunderstandings. 🥺 It's a video game called Shadow of War.
Straylight · 31-35, F
@SinlessOnslaught Oh! For some reason I thought it was a table top RPG. I guess because I’ve heard of people using chat ai for that.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@Straylight That is a pretty good idea

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