firefall · 61-69, M
To start with, just curiosity, imagination and a willingness to listen. Any decent group should be able to provide paper (to detail your character), dice, etc, but you might want to bring your own paper & pencils.
If you're looking for games to join, a lot of shops run a thing called 'Adventurers League' which is designed to have a floating membership (you usually just sign up or show up at the announced times), and are IME set up to show new players how to play.
( can help with this).
If you want more detail about the basics, feel free to msg me
If you're looking for games to join, a lot of shops run a thing called 'Adventurers League' which is designed to have a floating membership (you usually just sign up or show up at the announced times), and are IME set up to show new players how to play.
( can help with this).
If you want more detail about the basics, feel free to msg me
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Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
@IstillmissEP wait is “AD&D” different? Is that some advance DnD? Come on man, you have no advice to give?
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@Curiousguy833 AD&D is a much older version of what is out now.
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Jessmari · 46-50
I play with friends on a homemade game several times a month. Usually a group will have everything you need as a beginner. Eventually you'll want dice, pencil and a binder. Binder to store character sheets and notes. Some DMs keep the character sheets so they have them in one place and they don't get lost.
Most of all you'll need imagination and patience.
Most of all you'll need imagination and patience.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Game stores usually have adventurers league, or organized play events. These are usually more constrained, story wise, and focus more on combat. D&D itself tends to fall into combat heavy games as a byproduct of it's ruleset but it doesn't have to be.
D&D is the most famous example of the hobby, but without branding you can call it pen and paper roleplaying, through which there are actually many games to explore.
Back to D&D, as it is a good entry point to the hobby, the current edition is 5th edition, or 5e. To get started, I would acquire and read through the 5e Player's Handbook. You'll also want a D20 dice set, with at least one die with each number of the following sides... 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20. You'll want to learn to identify them at a glance as well. People who cannot figure out what dice to roll when someone asks them to roll 2d6 are something of a running joke. It's kind of expected your first couple times, but it eventually becomes expected for you to know your dice. Having your own pencils is also a plus.
For characters, in some instances you will need make your own. In others, the person running the game will have premade characters that you pick from. The best way to know is to ask the person or people running.
If you see something at your local game store, go ahead and ask if you can watch for a bit because you are interested in getting into it. Most people are happy to let you do so.
You can also try listening to podcasts of people playing. Critical Role is a popular one right now. Though I will say that those are much more organized and professionally done than the average game I've been to.
D&D is the most famous example of the hobby, but without branding you can call it pen and paper roleplaying, through which there are actually many games to explore.
Back to D&D, as it is a good entry point to the hobby, the current edition is 5th edition, or 5e. To get started, I would acquire and read through the 5e Player's Handbook. You'll also want a D20 dice set, with at least one die with each number of the following sides... 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20. You'll want to learn to identify them at a glance as well. People who cannot figure out what dice to roll when someone asks them to roll 2d6 are something of a running joke. It's kind of expected your first couple times, but it eventually becomes expected for you to know your dice. Having your own pencils is also a plus.
For characters, in some instances you will need make your own. In others, the person running the game will have premade characters that you pick from. The best way to know is to ask the person or people running.
If you see something at your local game store, go ahead and ask if you can watch for a bit because you are interested in getting into it. Most people are happy to let you do so.
You can also try listening to podcasts of people playing. Critical Role is a popular one right now. Though I will say that those are much more organized and professionally done than the average game I've been to.
xixgun · M
Time travel back to 1980.