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What's your favourite game to play and on what console ?

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cultofaction · 26-30, M
Real Life on the HumanStation. You'd like it if you're into post-apocalyptic RPGs and don't mind grinding through tedious things
MissMoon · 26-30, F
Stardew Valley on PC
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
@kaykay22 @MissMoon Should I try it out? I've been playing other things, but Stardew was such a huge hit.
MissMoon · 26-30, F
@SouthernBoxer I would recommend it :) It has a story but isn't too overwhelming and managing your own little farm is honestly really fun. You also get to form relationships with characters and go in a cave to do mining.

I recommend it if you like life simulation/rpg games. You also get to choose between multiplayer or single player which is nice.

It is similar to games like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory and Worlds Dawn if you've played those :)
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
Thank you for the in-depth reply!

It suppose it's pretty different from other games I generally gravitate towards, which is something that interests me.

I've heard of those but never played them. I'll definitely give it a shot when I can!
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
On ps4 god pf war 4/ uncharted a thieves end/ paladins

On pc all the fable series/black and white diablo daiblo II among orhers
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
Almost anything/PC.
kaykay22 · 31-35, F
When I was a child I used to love the game age of the empires ! I was literally obsessed haha ! I don't own a pc now ! 😢@SouthernBoxer
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
@kaykay22 Yes! Age of Empires was so good! I have so many days played on AoE. I sunk so many hours into Sid Meyer's Civ, too. Haha. I need a new pc now, though. So many games I'm waiting to play!
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@kaykay22 port it to android duh
gol979 · 41-45, M
Rocket league is a laugh and I'm currently playing elder scrolls online
kartoffelkopf2 · 36-40, M
Gta5. Red Dead 2. Apex Legends is getting some airtime at the minute (excited for Anthem)
Chess and the old fashioned way. On a board. I play competitively
I only play some strategy stuff when I'm in the mood.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Gunstar heroes, sega genesis
mostly RPG's on PS1 and PS2
User41 · 36-40, M
Golden eye

PlumBerries · 31-35, F
god of war. it is a ps4 exclusive so no other console gets it. So looking forward to days gone in a few months.. I honestly don't know how people in the gaming community get by without a ps4, with all the amazing exclusives. they are just missing out
Forza 4 and all the Elder Scrolls games including online on PC 😃
Anon066 · 31-35, M
Csgo on pc, but only because css is dead. And I haven't played go in a long time either.
PetTheBunny68 · 46-50, M
Halo Reach and COD On Xbox One And PS4
tomb raider on PC
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
consoles are for stupid noobs
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@kaykay22 there's other buttons you can play with now that you are an adult 😏
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
@unknownpoetx Always someone that has to go there. So smooth!
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@SouthernBoxer mind your own business

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