It must be a good game
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Most shooting games are built around testing ones own skill and reflexes, defining yourself in a pecking order through your abilities, growing feelings of accomplishment, curiosity and excitement, growing ones ego, and in team based games feeling like you are part of a team with a purpose. These are all very, very addictive concepts, in some ways we need these things more than we need air, that's what makes all these games so engrossing.
These are largely all the same reasons people are on SW
These are largely all the same reasons people are on SW
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RasHorror · 36-40, M
It is free, requires skill, fun and a way to be social to people all around the world and is constantly updated and it makes it never get old
RasHorror · 36-40, M
A shot gun only gets you so far in it. That game is hard as shit lol. My son plays it and makes it look easy. I give it ago and last a few minutes each time.
DARKSkylar · 22-25, F
That's cus kids put like 12 hours in a day
RasHorror · 36-40, M
Not my son
Biffed · 31-35, M
I have no idea
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
You don't like Forknife, either? I tried it out on my Switch for a while and again on my cousin's PS4. I really couldn't for the life of me get into it. Do you not like it at all or have you tried to get into it but couldn't, like me? I'm genuinely curious in your answer.

Battle Royale? It's free, the map and characters are eye popping, it's free. I play once in a while
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My cousins play that game, and I have no idea why.
DARKSkylar · 22-25, F
@SW-User yeah my cousin plays it to he gets so competitive with it
HannahSky · F
You get to play with other people online is what I hear
SatyrService · M
its very kid friendly
IM still in New Vagas
IM still in New Vagas

it's addictive?
Naamo · 26-30, F
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
The next disposable thing isn't out yet
Tminus6453 · M
Its a kids game

Because people get paid fornite.
DDonde · 31-35, M
1) It's free to play. Literally anyone with any kind of gaming device can play it *for free*, and it's intended for all audiences, unlike PUBG and previous games.
2) The Battle Royale genre is still pretty new and novel and is pretty popular right now.
2) The Battle Royale genre is still pretty new and novel and is pretty popular right now.
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
They don't use the word fortnight in The USA. Not many of them know what it means.
tenente · 100+, M
behold the power of 9 year olds