GwydionFrost · 56-60, M
I was finishing the sewer system, right next to the subway system I built under my glass pyramid in the middle of my desert condo gated community earlier today, when given those options. ;)
Minecraft, just in case you didn't figure it out. LOL
Minecraft, just in case you didn't figure it out. LOL
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@GwydionFrost Nope, got that one right away. For some reason when you said subway system, it clicked! I've been playing modpacks on Twitch lately and I'm really into the Magequest pack. It's big and takes like a hundred years to load, but it's challenging and pretty much awesome. I do love Minecraft.
GwydionFrost · 56-60, M
@Angelfire21 I've been taking some folks on tours of this map build, and the consensus is that it would make a phenomenal RP/adventure map.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@GwydionFrost When you upload it to twitch, hit me up! I want to run around in the world you make! (That's a gentle nudge for you to upload this amazing creation :P)
Probably diablo 3. Maybe some fortnite if my inner masochist comes out later.
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Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@AcidBurn Right? See, people are so creative lol... Minecraft is a good outlet for creativity. There is a mod that adds a magic system to the game called Thaumcraft that both makes me want to rip out my own hair and never stop playing it ever.
@Angelfire21 I'll have to work up to that lol
I assume this is on the pc?
I assume this is on the pc?
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@AcidBurn Yes! On PC!

how about Witcher, Dragon Age or Divinity instead :p
Angel559 · 31-35, M
@SW-User i love witcher thats an amazing game

@Angelfire21 if you think DA was good, you'd really love Witcher! plus u get to see some hot scenes in the game lol, so be sure no one sensitive is around you xD xD .. Play all 3 parts plus the DLCs !

@Angel559 it is indeed !
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
Just playing Sims on my phone.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@AmbivalentFriability I haven't tried Sims Freeplay, but I should. I'm a Sims addict from back in the days when they didn't age and got stuck on one another trying to walk through a hallway :D
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
@Angelfire21 If you have an Android I would suggest The Sims, it's much better than Freeplay.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@AmbivalentFriability Oh it's different? Okay, thanks. I do run android actually, I just didn't know they were different.
Light up and play eso. Get ready for summerset.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SardonicasCurse Dude, I'm so excited! I think that might actually be the final answer. I need to get a character above level 20 so I can go do grown up shit with the big kids... but I get so obsessed with race/class combos in that game >.<
@Angelfire21 it took me awhile to pick a toon to lvl up. But I love my dps mag sorcerer. I’m currently out of quests until the new content. I’m not so patiently waiting. 😆

I'm probably going to play the original Company of Heroes some more. Not multiplayer or anything, just the campaigns.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SW-User OooooOOOOoooo... okay, yeah I can do some RTS. I played Warcraft before it was a world (:P) and Age of Empires. I'm feeling you

@Angelfire21 I'd recommend giving it a go. It's set during World War 2, and the gameplay is similar to Dawn of War (which is the sci-fi version of the setting that Warcraft ripped off)
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SW-User I've never played anything in a real world setting so that might be really interesting. Thanks for the recommendation my friend <3
Angel559 · 31-35, M
Do you have Diablo 3
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@Angel559 I dooooo!
Angel559 · 31-35, M
@Angelfire21 what system do you have it one i have it on xbox one
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@Angel559 PC gamer all the way. I have a few games on the ps4 but I don't think I'm going to bother with consoles anymore. I like a lot of things about console gaming, I just tend to like PC games better.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
Pass it to me, let me take a few drags!!
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@Horsepower *puff puff pass*
Horsepower · 31-35, M
SailorMarz · F
I can't relate to this at all
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SailorMarz PC gaming is a lot less expensive and you can get most games that are on console. The good ones anyway :P
What kind of games did you like? RPG?
What kind of games did you like? RPG?
SailorMarz · F
@Angelfire21 PC gaming huh? And that's the stuff i played most of the time.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SailorMarz Dragon Age is a really good PC RPG. The first one gives you tons of story options and character options and the second amps up the gameplay a lot. It's worth checking out. Also, they both have a great tutorial so it helps you learn quick and on the go.
Also, I don't know if you're into like... little farming games but if you want something lighter, check out Stardew Valley. It's based on Harvest Moon and it's literally the best farming sim I've ever played. It looks simple, but the story is great and the characters are funny and interesting. You upgrade your farm, focus on animals or crops, get married, have children etc. Also it's like 11$ on Steam, soooo win win
Also, I don't know if you're into like... little farming games but if you want something lighter, check out Stardew Valley. It's based on Harvest Moon and it's literally the best farming sim I've ever played. It looks simple, but the story is great and the characters are funny and interesting. You upgrade your farm, focus on animals or crops, get married, have children etc. Also it's like 11$ on Steam, soooo win win

Dying light for me
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SW-User Oooo another one I've never heard of. Here I came to chat about gaming and I'm getting all kinds of new ideas about what to game lol

@Angelfire21 ikr same. I might try overwatch now
Redstar · 36-40, M
I've started playing The Long Dark on PS4, I'm not very far into it yet but so far so good.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2!!
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@SerenitiesScars I pride myself on being a very dudely girl, but I just can't get into superheroes. My husband is literally obsessed and I try, but I don't get it. Bright colors, superpowers, one-liners? It's a crying shame. I THINK I have played this, though. A long time ago... unless it's new which means i have no idea what I'm talking about.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
It's an older one so you likely have..
I was more into a superhero stuff when younger...
Anime is kind of like superhero's in the term of powers and not so much the term of "Hero saving certain cities from doom on a daily basis!" so I'm far more into anime than hero's but I love most Batman stuff since it's actually based off detective work and mystery a lot of the time as well... Also loved the Wonder Woman detective comics... Even though not all of them were detective based... She had one of the best characters for it thanks to the implementation of her lasso of truth...
My favorite as a kid though was Spider-Man... Funnily enough I'm hardly into him anymore.. Though his was also based a lot on the same formula Batman is.. With the whole being a genius and detective work being done...
I was more into a superhero stuff when younger...
Anime is kind of like superhero's in the term of powers and not so much the term of "Hero saving certain cities from doom on a daily basis!" so I'm far more into anime than hero's but I love most Batman stuff since it's actually based off detective work and mystery a lot of the time as well... Also loved the Wonder Woman detective comics... Even though not all of them were detective based... She had one of the best characters for it thanks to the implementation of her lasso of truth...
My favorite as a kid though was Spider-Man... Funnily enough I'm hardly into him anymore.. Though his was also based a lot on the same formula Batman is.. With the whole being a genius and detective work being done...
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
I'm gonna hit some Overwatch, Fortnite and that Hitman season 1.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@5thApprentice You know, I've never played Overwatch? I feel like I've failed somehow, lol! I'm down, though.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@Angelfire21 Its a neat game but I think Fortnite might be slowly killing it. And Blizzard don't help themselves too. Lol
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@5thApprentice I'm going to have to check out Fortnite. You're like the tenth person to say this name to me and I know nothing about it. And tbh, my WoW subscrip is not active but that's easy to fix. I just do new content for a while and then it's the same old grind through raids with idiots and ragers lol...
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
You still play wow?
LiftedDreamer · 31-35, F
Damn a blunt sounds so good rn. Lucky.
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@LiftedDreamer I'm not cool enough to know what you're talking about my friend. It's a sativa and I don't know what it's called because my neighbor grows it, but it does the job and I'm terrible at blunt rolling so I cheat and buy swishers that I can gut an refill :P
LiftedDreamer · 31-35, F
@Angelfire21 sativa is legit , enjoy , take off to mars.☺
Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@LiftedDreamer Relax time. I'll toke it twice in your honor my friend <3
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Angelfire21 · 36-40, F
@MalteseFalconPunch I feel like drunk ARKing is the best ARKing. Are you on a pub server? I used to rent one because people are asshats, but it's been a while since it's been on. Sometimes you just gotta punch dilo's in the face while taking shots, bro.
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