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Do you believe the vaccine contained a microchip?

There is so much they aren’t telling us I figure this must be true. I had the vaccine but no boosters because I had an allergic reaction.
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Obviously not!

For the hard of thinking:

1. Vaccines are administered with very very fine needles, that are far too small to allow any “microchip” to pass

2. Microchips need power. This can come from a battery (which increases the size further) or can be passive, as for certain RFID chips, where the power is derived from a radio signal sent to the chip from outside. But that requires a sizeable antenna. Guess what? There’s no way that could fit through a vaccine needle or go unnoticed under the skin. As an example of an implantable chip, think of the chips that are inserted into domestic animals, and look at the size of the needle used.

3. Why on earth would a vaccine contain a chip anyway?

Use your brains, if you have any left!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Adeptlinguist Indeed - and as an example, look at the Forum's heading photograph.
Which vaccine? All of them? Including the Russian and Chinese vaccines? Global conspiracy or merely in the west? There'd be no point in doing it in London, they already know where you are at all times anyway. It would be like putting a tracker on Mount Everest.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Unnecessary since the average person holds a tracking device on their body 24/7. And for what reason? Absolute nonsense, this question is long over. We are supposided to be dying now, not happening.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn Yes.... It is rather ironical that many of those who promulgate such rhubarb as microchips in vaccines, have such low care for their own privacy and security by their own choice that they feel it necessary to be almost glued to a "smart"-'phone switched on day and night, buy gadgets like an "Alexa" and do as much as they can via Amazon, Google, Facebook etc..

However, we should bear in mind that portable 'phones are tracked by their service providers only so they work. The user is not tracked, and just because your 'phone was in A one day and B 100 miles away next day means nothing to the ISP. It does not indicate why you were there. Nor can it reveal anything if you leave the 'phone at home and switched off, as mine often is!
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@ArishMell Yes you are right I guess. But like you said, they can still gather waaaay more insight and important data about you over your location! They can practically glimpse at your psyche.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn That depends on what you use the thing for.

Most of its data-gathering is connected with what you do, or might, buy.

It's really all rather crude beyond the technicalities. So if you appear to express an interest in Synchronised Crochet ("world's fastest-growing sport" .... 'cos all the other have already grown) the system merely finds all the ads on its list for Synchronised Crochet equipment and clothes.

The less you use it for buying anything the less its operators know about you.
No, I don’t. I’ve had multiple vaccinations and multiple boosters. I had COVID before the vaccine and before was REALLY sick with COVID as opposed to minor inconvenience after.

I also contracted polio before the Salk vaccine was available. I was a toddler and I was beyond lucky that while there were a few days of touch and go I learned to walk again and have only a small difference in length in my legs. There were a LOT more wheelchairs before the polio vaccine and a lot more graves.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I don't want to denigrate you, but it is likely that you have been brainwashed by those lacking the scientific background to understand, and appreciate how incredible the discovery and implementation of the COVID vaccine was.

I know i will not convince you, but looking back at the last 200 years advancement in vaccine he and other public health activities have produced an amazing advancement in both the quality and length of human life.

There is absolutely no one vid nice to support the numerous conspiracy theories about the vaccine.
They already track us with the microchips we carry every day on us, in our phones.
CestManan · 46-50, F
They have been talking about planting microchips since at least 1991 that I remember.
If they wanted to, they would have done it by now.

On that note, I remember around the same time they were talking about america being a "cashless society" by 1995.

Plus, they have been done trying to push the covid vax since Jan 2022. Yeah if people want it, fine, but no one is pushing it now.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Of course I don't - I doubt it's even physically possible anyway.

"... so much they aren't telling us...[so] it must be true."

Meaning "I do not know and have no evidence for my belief to support the logically impossible first clause, so it must be true." ??

It is a myth created by people who want no-one vaccinated against, presumably, any disease.
I think this is closer to the truth🤣😂🤣😂

A micro potato chip? A micro Dorito chip, maybe. 🤣
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I hope this is a joke!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@samueltyler2 So do I but sadly there do seem some gullible enough to believe it.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Of course not.

I wonder if we will ever discover who originated that lie, and why?

Anyway, which vaccine?
R5000 · 41-45, M
To what end?
DDonde · 31-35, M
Renaci · 36-40
A microchip that small literally requires magic to work.
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