Rosie tickled by Danny
Rosie and Danny are married she’s pregnant with their first baby . She’s so excited about the birth. She’s been on her feet all day at work at the mall . Rosie says Danny ? Ya in the den. Hi honey how u feeling? Exhausted feet are killing me . Let me see if I can help says Danny what is for dinner? Your moms bringing us Kentucky fried chicken. Ok says Danny . He puts her feet in his lap stars rubbing them. Omg Danny that’s amazing Oh good then this won’t bother u he tickles her feet! Oooooohhhhhhhhhh ggggggggggggggooooooodddddd! Ehehehhehehehhehehehehehhehehhehehhehehehehhehehhehe! That’s so ticklish! Awe come on baby tickle tickle! Ahhahahhahhahhahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhhahhahhahahhahhahhhahhahhahhahhahaha! Rosie’s squirming around like crazy! Ribs ! No no Danny please . He creeps up and down her ribs ! Rosie is laughing so much she can’t even beg! Wow laughs Danny . Oh I forgot your toes . Don’t u dare giggles Rosie . Ok ok no more says Danny .