Tickle Ali
Leah and addie are gonna tickle Ali grace is at a friends house. Ali tickled them earlier today. This is revenge! Ali calls Leah come here ! Ok says Ali . She walks into the den. Ok miss since u tortured me and addie earlier today we r gonna get some revenge on u! Just try says Ali . R u saying we can’t make u laugh says addie ? Yes says Ali . Fine we have some things to help us . Rope your toothbrush and hair brush! Also a surprise. Oh no ! Let’s get her mom! Hold on says Leah let’s tie her feet first . Ok says addie . They tie Ali’s feet together . Tickle tickle tickle tickle says Leah! Ali laughs . Let’s try the hairbrush, addie tortures her sisters feet with hairbrush tickles. Ahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhaha! Wow what a reaction laughs Leah. Ya laughs addie . Let’s try her toes with the tooth brush . Ali can’t even beg she’s laughs so bad! That’s a bad spot! Yes he’s sssttttooppppppppp I did laughs addie can u handle this little piggy or not! No no please don’t begs Ali . Ok ok says Leah but I am gonna tickle you’r knee pits! Hhheheeeeeee ! R u sorry? Nope says Ali. Hmmmmm sounds like someone needs sides pokes addie u do it baby .5 minutes ppppllllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee sttttttttoooopppppppp ! Ok ok Addie quit . Man this is fun Ali . It’s more when I do the tickling laughs Ali. Ribs Leah is creeping up and down her daughters ribs! Addie can’t even take it ! R u sorry laughs Leah? Yes yes anything please just stop tickling me please begs Ali . Ok ok says Leah just one more spot Addie get her belly button! 2 minutes later addies turning red! Qqquuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiittttttt! Ok ok is it tickle truths girls? Yes yes anything begs Ali ! Addie says Leah yes tickle truths . They watch a movie together.